Chapter Five- Paul The Cockblocker

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Chapter Five- London, UK 

Zayn's POV 

Harry and a girl walk out of Lia's room. The lads and I stand up. Liam introduces us and we all give her a hug. Harry introduces her as the Directioner friend of Lia's. I sigh and sit back down. Things have been kind of shaky with Perrie lately. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm traveling with the lads and shes traveling with her band. I pull out my phone and send her a text.

Hey babe. I hope your radio tour is going amazing. You're a natural. Love you. Let's try and talk soon.xoxo Zayn

I push my phone in my pocket and close my eyes. "Hey mate. You okay?" I hear Louis ask. I shrug. "Dunno lad. I think things are getting shaky between Perrie & I. I don't know what to do." I tell him. "Go. Go see her. We don't have any plans or anything for the rest of this month. I'm planning on going to see El soon anyways. Same for Liam with Dani." he tells me. I open my eyes, "Really? Thanks Lou. I'm gonna go find out where Perrie will be so I can fly in and see her." He nods and I leave.

Louis POV 

Glad I could help Zayn. "Hey Liam. I'm going. My flight leaves soon and I still need to go pack & pick up El." I tell him and he nods. "Be careful!" the lads yell after me. I wave goodbye. France, get ready for El & I.

Liam's POV 

Louis is gone. Zayn's leaving to be with Perrie. Paul is keeping Harry, Niall & Josh so I can take Dani to North America. She wants to go see Niagara Falls & New York again. I bid my farewells and head to Dani and I's flat to leave.

Niall's POV  

Damn. When I saw Lia, I was shocked and I stared. Liam had to knock my out of my trance. I was embarrassed and when the vehicle struck us, I was so worried about Lia. Yeah and everyone else of course.

I don't know what it is about Lia. She gives off a happy vibe that I absolutely love. Her hair, her eyes, the way her cheeks went red with embarrassment. When she smiles, it reaches her eyes and they sparkle. It's amazing. I never had that with Gabby.

I look up to see a beautiful young lass standing with Harry. I know Harry has a thing for Lia & maybe this girl too. I pull him aside, "Harry. I hope you know you cannot date Lia." I tell him. He smirks, "And why not? Does Nialler have a crush on Lia? Oh but Nialler is dating Gabby." I sigh, running my hands through my hair, "No. Gabby and I broke up. Management-- Josh likes Lia. Besides Management would never let you date her." He laughs and walks away. "Haz. No." I say and he just nods.

I see Josh walk towards us, and he stops when he sees the girl with Harry. She looks up and her eyes sparkle when she sees him. Shit. She likes him. "Hey bro." Josh says walking up to me. I nod. "Shit. I'm screwed dude." he says. I look at him to see him staring at the girl. And he likes her. God this situation is so messed up. "What's her name?" I ask. "Huh?" he looks at me. I nod my head her way. "Oh. Amanda. She's the Directioner friend of Lia's." he tells me. "And you like her?" I ask him. He looks at me as if I've grown two heads, I stare at him with a knowing look. He sighs and nods. "Bloody hell mate. You know that Management won't allow it." I tell him. "I know I know! I can't help it though mate. I talked to her before and we just clicked. Cliche I know but the bloody truth." he tells me, "I'm going home now that I know everyone can go. Talk to you later bro." He pats me on the back, waving at the others, he leaves.

"Alright guys. Let's go home. Amanda, you can stay with Lia & the lads until you figure out what you're doing." Paul says, holding a fragile Lia in his arms. Oh how I wish that was me. Liam, Louis, Zayn and Josh left so it's just the girls, Harry & I.

We get home to our flat and Paul leaves but not before having an intense looking conversation with Lia. She wasn't very happy so I decided to go talk to her. When Paul left I walked up to Lia. "Hey. You okay?" I ask softly, I'm sure my voice was full of concern. She looked up at me and I saw her eyes were watery.

I pulled her into a hug and she giggled against my chest. I pull back and look at her amused, wondering why she was laughing. Still giggling she explains, "Sorry. I just got a Horan hug." I look at her, "How do you know about those? You're not a fan?"

"Oh. Amanda told me about it and I guess it stuck." she tells me. I laugh and pull her in for one again. "You okay though?" I ask. She pulls away, grabbing my hand, and we walk to her room. I can feel Hazza's eyes burning into my back while he's watching tv with Amanda. We get to her room and she breaks down. I frown and sit down on the bed with her. "Hey. What's wrong?" I ask rubbing circles on her back. She tries to explain but it just comes out as her blubbering. She gets up and runs into the bathroom. I get up and knock on the door, "Lia. Let me in? Please? Lia?" I hear her sniffle, and she yells through the door, "No! I don't want you to see me like this." "Lia. Don't be ridiculous. Come on. Tell me what happened."

After her telling me shes not going to open the door, I slide down the bathroom door and slowly my eyes droop. I fall asleep waiting for Lia.

Lia's POV 

Niall finally stopped asking me to come out and when I was sure the coast was clear, I opened the door. To find Niall sleeping in front of it. Really? He is so sweet. I fell for him the moment I saw him. Cliche but I'm lame to begin with.

I try to wake him up and after a few tries it actually works. "Niall. Wake up. You fell asleep on the floor." He looks at me and the jumps up. "Oh sorry. I'm hungry. Are you?" I laugh and nod. We go out of my room to find all the lights off. Niall turns on the light in the kitchen, and sighs. "Looks like we are on our own to get some food." He says holding up a note. I read it and sigh. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask. His face lights up. "NANDOS!" He grabs my hand and before I can ask 'What is Nandos?' we are in the car. He turns on the radio and Stereo Hearts plays. I squeal and he looks at me, amusement clearly written on his face. I shrug and start singing. He joins in and the songs ends as we get to Nandos.

He turns off the car and runs around to my side of the door, opening it, "M'lady?" I take his hand he offers and we walk into Nandos. I realize we were still holding hands and I blush so hard I probably look like a tomato. I guess Niall notices and he let's go of my hand. I can't help but feel sad. Niall clears his throat, "Table for two please?" The guy nods, grabs two menus and leads us to our table. He takes our drink orders and leaves.

"So what's your favorite color?" he asks me over our plates of Peri Peri Chicken. "Green and Purple. Yours?" I look at him. "Bluea" he says with his mouth full. I laugh, "Blue?" He nods and his cheeks turn a slight pink. We keep talking, asking each other questions about one another. I can't help but think this is a date. Who am I kidding? He wouldn't date me. I'm a nobody, no one special. He probably has girls falling at his feet anyways.

We finish up dinner, Niall pays and we get into the car. "So if I may ask, why were you so down and crying earlier?" he asks. I sigh, wishing he would've forgotten about this already.

Niall's POV 

I ask Lia the question that's been on my mind all night. She sighs, "Paul is just being extra protective of me. Making sure I don't do anything stupid." I glance at her, turning my eyes back to the road, "Like what? What did he say exactly?" We are stopped in front of the flat. She turns to look at me. "He said try not to fall in love with any of the boys." My heart almost stops, aching like crazy. Shit. Why does Paul have to be such a cockblocker?!

A/N:: hehe. Paul's a Cockblocker. Fan, Vote, Comment! Much love!xx -Amanda

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