Chapter Four- Lia's Big News

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Chapter Four 

Three Days later

Josh's POV 

So the first time I meet Lia, we end up in a car accident. Harry & Paul emerged unscathed. Liam, and Louis have bruises up and down their sides. Zayn and Niall only got seatbelt burns on their stomachs. Lia has a broken rib and lost a lot of blood from hitting her head. Me? A broken wrist. Unfortunately our driver didn't make it, dying on impact.

When I was done getting my wrist check and worked on I went to go see Lia. I walked in, the room was empty except for Lia and flowers from Management.

I sit down in the chair and hold Lia's hand. It's so soft, I look up at her and study her features. Her soft chocolate brown eyes that are full of life are closed, her tan colored skin has turned pale, but she still looks so beautiful. I don't think I can do the fake dating thing. She's beautiful but not really my type. I hear a cough and I turn to see a girl standing in the doorway. Whoa was the first thing I thought when I saw her.

"Josh?" she asks. I rack my brain trying to remember if I know her and I come up short. I look at her and nod. "Oh, I'm Amanda, Lia's best friend." she tells me and I remember her. The Directioner friend. I stand up, "Oh. Right, Lia told us about you, er, right before the accident. The Directioner friend, right?" She laughs. Wow she has a beautiful laugh. It meets her sparkling blue eyes. "Yeah. That's me. She didn't call you guys One Erection, did she?" she asked. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah she did and boy we got a kick out of it." I tell her.

"Oh boy. I even told her the actual name before she left Charlotte." she giggles, telling me. I think I really like Amanda. Oh boy this won't go down well with Management. "Well Amanda, it was nice to meet you but I've gotta go. Bye." I tell her and rush out of the room without hearing her goodbye. Fuck you Management. Why did you have to pick me? Why not Niall?!

Amanda's POV 

When I got that phone call I was so scared. I didn't know if Lia was okay. I hopped on the red eye to London. I got there and the doctor told me that Lia needed blood. I immediately asked if I could donate. I hate needles with a passion but I couldn't take the possibility of losing Lia. We've been best friends for years. Unfortunately I wasn't the same blood type. But they said that they found her dad. Which I thought was odd since Lia has never even met her Dad. But I didn't question it.

I left Lia to go get some food. I ate in the cafe and a curly head boy sat at my table. I looked up and saw it was Harry Styles. THE Harry Styles. "Hello." he told me. Holy shit. He just spoke to me. I snap out of it and nod. "Hello. I'm Amanda." I tell him. He holds out his hand, "Harry. Harry Styles." I shook his his hand. "You're not from here are you?" he asked me. I shake my head. "Nope. I'm here for a friend." I tell him. We sit and talk for awhile about random stuff. "Can I have your autograph? I have to get back to my friend." I ask him. He chuckles and signs a napkin. "Here you go love. Thank you for not fangirling my ears off and for talking to me." he says and we say goodbye but not before I slip him my number. I wonder if he knows who my friend is.

I walk back to the room and see Josh Define, er, Devine sitting next to Lia. "Josh?" I ask him. He looks up and something in his eyes change. He nods and I tell him who I am. I see recognition register in his eyes and he confirms my thoughts of Lia telling him. I laugh and we continue to talk. Then he stands up and rushes out of the room saying bye. I didn't even get to respond. What the hell? I shake my head and walk to Lia. I almost scream when I see her chocolate brown eyes staring at me. "Lia!" I scream and hug her. "Amanda. What happened? Where am I?" she asks. I freeze. "Do you know what today is?" I ask her. Luckily she answers with the correct date.

I run to get the doctor and she checks up on her. "Everything looks good. She should be able to go home tonight. But no flying for a couple of months and no lifting heavy stuff." she tells me and I nod. She leaves and I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see Harry Styles and Paul.

Lia's POV 

Finally I get to go home. I look towards the door and see Curly and the big guy from the car. "Hey Curly. And Big Guy." I greet them and Big Guy flinches. "Harry and Amanda would you please step outside with the other lads?" Big Guy asks. They nod and step out. "Lia. I'm glad you're awake. I have some news that may. Come as a shock to you." Big Guy tells me. I nod, "What's your name?" He hesitates, "Paul. Paul Higgins." I freeze. Higgins? That's my last name. Wait, Lia. Don't jump to conclusions. I'm sure there are a thousand other Higgins in the world. I nod and he continues. "Lia. I'm your dad." he says bluntly. Wow. Thanks Paul for putting that bluntly. "W-what?!" I screech at him. He nods, "I didn't even know myself. I'm sorry I couldn't put it softer but I had to be blunt." he tells me. "Get out. Go. Out of my room." I tell him and he looks taken back. But nods and leaves. Holy shit. I have a dad and he's the bodyguard for a worldwide boy band.

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