Chapter Twenty One- The Reunion

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Chapter Twenty One

Niall's POV

When we all arrived back in London, the lads and I, including Josh, were called in to Mr. Richards office. You remember? The CEO of Modest! Management? Yeah him. That's currently where we are now. Along with almost no ear drums left. I have a feeling the whole 'Louis is going deaf' thing will come true sooner rather than later. I cringe as Mr. Richards yells at us yet again about the vacation matters. I don't see why I'm getting in trouble! I took Preston with us! I even bought him his own hotel room! How he didn't hear all the ruckus we caused, was beyond me. It was quite scary when Liam was gone and then when I woke up, Liam, Dani, Caitlyn, Josh AND Louis were gone.  We still haven't heard anything on Eleanor.

Mr. Richards takes a deep breath and turns to Louis. "What happened to Eleanor?" he asks. We all turn to look at Louis who shrugs. "I don't know. We broke up, she kidnapped Liam, Dani and Caitlyn, finally wheeling me in. The police in Paris said they put out a warrant for her arrest in all the surrounding countries." he says and we all nod in agreement. Mr. Richards laughs. I give him a weird look, "Why are you laughing?" He quickly stops and I wonder if I said the wrong thing. "Nothing. Paul come in here!" he yells and we turn around to see PAUL! We all break out into a run and hug him. Damn I've missed him! "What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to be back for another month!" Louis asked him, with a big smile. Paul laughs,  and gestures to Mr. Richards. We turn back to him, and he is tapping his foot. Whoops. I don't think we were supposed to move from our spots. We walk back and stare at Mr. Richards.

"Louis. I have someone who wants to see you." Mr. Richards says. "My mum?!" he asks and we all smile at him, knowingly. I need to see my mum soon. Emailing, texting, calling and skyping just isn't doing it for me. Unfortunately Mr. Richards shakes his head and we wonder who the hell is wanting to see Louis. The door inches open and the first thing we see is a peach colored heel step into the room, and then a tanned arm snake around the door. I hear Louis gasp but I don't think any of us know who it is yet. The girl steps into the room and all six of us gasp and of course they all hide behind Liam and I. Liam and I exchange glances and gulp. Eleanor strikes again. "Hello boys. Miss me?" she asks and there's a collective, "No." heard through out the room. I see Paul give us a weird look and I look at him, "Later." I mouth and he nods. 

"Lads." Mr. Richards says and we all line up again, but we kept one eye on Eleanor. I still don't trust her. Eleanor walks over to Mr. Richards, her eyes on us, ours on her, watching every move. "Daddy." she gives him kiss. I'm pretty sure all of our jaw dropped. "He's not your dad." Louis says and I look back at Eleanor. "No. But he is pretty much my second dad." she says with a sly smile. "Wondering how I got out of that arrest warrant? You're looking at the lad." she says, gesturing to Mr. Richards. Freaking A. "That's right boys. Eleanor does not have a warrant out for her arrest. In fact, YOU, Mr. Tomlinson are to break up with Caitlyn and take Eleanor back. You guys were the perfect couple. Besides you being with Caitlyn is giving the band bad publicity." Mr. Richards points at Louis, and Louis face drops. I know for a FACT that him being with Caitlyn has never given us 'bad publicity'. It was a load of bullshit.

"I'm not breaking up with Caitlyn to be with Eleanor. She kidnapped my friends and was trying to force me to be with her." Louis says and we all back him up. "WAIT! Louis, you already broke up with Caitlyn. I was there. I saw it all." Eleanor says looking at Louis. Louis chuckles, "God Eleanor. Are you really THAT dense? Did you really think that I was going to actually break up with Caitlyn to get back with you? I wasn't happy with you! We changed! I wasn't the same kid- like Louis anymore with you. You brought me down. I thought I loved you but I know now that I didn't. I'm sorry but our relationship will and would never be the same. I'm happy with Caitlyn. She- She makes me happy and does the fun things with me. I love Caitlyn. Eleanor, we had our time, it was fun but it's over now. Way over." Louis says. 

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