Chapter Twelve (Part Two)- Getting Ready For The Party

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Chapter Twelve- Part Two

Caitlyn's POV 

I almost blew my cover back in the store but luckily Perrie saved my ass. Although she doesn't know that. I have yet to meet Josh yet. I can't wait to see him.

HAHAHA! All of the girls' phones rang except mine & they are freaking out cause they aren't where they're supposed to be. Well Lia & Amanda can be wherever. Thank goodness Harrys doesn't have my number. I think I like him. I'm not sure yet.

I know he likes me, before El told me cause he'd send me those 'I have a crush on you' looks. You know, when you tilt your head and your mouth is slightly open? Yeah. That look. It's quite funny to look at, and Harry just makes it 100 times more hilarious. I think its cause he doesn't even notice he does it unless one of the lads closes his mouth for him.

My phone rings. I look at the caller id, "Um guys?" The girls look at me, "Um it's Paul." I say. I got his number just in case anything ever happened to us girls and we needed help. "Shit. I'm in sooo much trouble." Lia says and we all look at her. "Why? What did you do that Paul would be mad at you?" I ask and a look of 'Oh em gee. What did I just say?!' flashed through her eyes. I guess Amanda saw it too because we spoke at the same time, "Lia. Why? What did you do?"

Lia's POV 

Shit. Why did I say that?! Remember when Paul and I had that talk when I first came to London? After the accident, then Niall came and comforted me? Yeah. Well Paul told me two things: I had to try not to fall in love with the boys. Which I failed miserably and I am now dating Niall. Oh and Paul doesn't know about that. We told everyone to not tell Paul. The second thing was to never ever tell anyone that we were father and daughter. Only 6 people knew: Me, Paul, His wife, the doctor, Mr. Richards the CEO, and Harry.

"Lia. Why? What did you do?" Amanda & Caitlyn asked me at the same time. "Jeez. Twinkies much?" I ask. It's sort of true, they have been doing things together, at like the same time! I don't mind though. I'm glad my best friends are getting along well. Amanda laughs. Dani's phone rings.

She looks at us and answers. Saved by the ring of a phone.

Dani's POV *New! Short but new!* 

My phone rang again. Liam knew I would be on break right now. I look at the girls and slid the arrow across the screen to answer.

Hello? -D 

Hey babe. How's it going? I miss you. -L 

*I smile at the sound of his voice* I miss you too Li. I'll be home soon. -D *I cringe as I hear people ordering food really loudly.* 

What's that sound babe? I thought you were in the studio? -L 

*Think Dani, think!* Oh it's break time so the girls and I went out to a bistro to get something to eat. It's just a really loud bistro. -D 

Oh! Gotcha. -L 

*Saved! I thought.*  

Saved? From what? -L 

*Whoops. I said that aloud.*

What? Oh. I was telling a guy that the table I'm sitting at was saved for my friends & I. Hey Liam. I gotta go love. But happy birthday to you and the lads. So proud of you guys. I love you. -D 

Oh okay. Thanks Dani. I love you too. Talk to you soon? -L 

Talk to you soon. -D

We hung up and I was panting. Holy shit. I hate lying to him but Simon called me back out here as a present for Liam. He pulled some strings and I'm back in London.

I look up to see the other girls scattered around the food court probably trying to keep the fact we were all together under wraps. Soon all of us were together again. "I think we are all safe." Eleanor said looking at each of us. We all nod and she nods as well. "Then let's get out of here before someone spots us and rats us out on Twitter to the lads." She says and we all jump up, leaving the mall.

We all leave in separate cars, I taking El & Perrie. We decided to meet at Caitlyn's place at 5 to get ready together.

Amanda's POV 

When Josh called me I was so excited. I miss that boy and I'm so happy that he's mine. He's been gone on a trip that Management sent him on. Some workshop thingy for drummers.

Caitlyn nudged me, "Missing Josh?" she asked. I nod, "Like crazy. Two weeks without him. I can't wait for you to meet him! I know you guys will hit it off." I told her. She smiled, but there was something in that smile that was uneasy. I shrugged it off. Whatever. Josh was coming home tomorrow!

*Fast forward to 5pm @ Caitlyn's*

Caitlyn's POV  

All the girls were at my place, Dani, El, Perrie, Amanda & Lia. "El & I will do hair, Perrie & Lia can do makeup, Amanda can do the music, & Caitlyn can do snacks! Yeah?" Dani said looking at all of us. We all nod. Of course Dani is in charge. Whatever. "Okay. You guys go get the dresses, while we get the snacks & music." I say. The dresses were still in the car.

Five minutes later the snacks were out & music was playing. "Let's get started the party starts in an hour and 30 minutes and it's a 15 minute drive to the place." El said and we all got into place. El & Dani were working on Lia & Perrie's hair, while they were doing mine and Amanda's makeup. 15 minutes later we switched. El & Dani were getting their makeup done, while Amanda & I picked out our hairstyles.

About 45 minutes later we were all done with makeup and hair, and going to put on our dresses.

3rd Person POV 

Caitlyn: Short black and cream colored halter dress that had a lace sort of look to the bottom of it and a black flower on the waistline. Accessories: Black ballet flats with a cream rose on the front; a black and silver necklace; silver bangle bracelets; diamond studs; no bag. Hair: Curled into ringlets.

Amanda: Short red one shoulder strap dress that had ruffles going from the neckline to the shoulder. Accessories: black flats with a red bow on the front; black & white bangle bracelets; diamond incrusted hoop earrings; no necklace; no bag. Hair: Straightened and a few strands pinned back.

Lia: Halter top dress; black on the top, with a sequined waistline, then dark purple scrunched up bottom half. Accessories: black vans; silver sequined bracelets; diamond incrusted hoop earrings; no necklace; no bag. Hair: Curled into ringlets and gathered to one side of her head.

Dani: Short black, one shoulder strap dress with a glimmer look and pockets. Accessories: Red heels; diamond studs; charm bracelet that Liam gave her; no necklace; no bag. Hair: Straightened and curled again with a iron to make defined curls.

El: Short black halter dress with ruffles from the waistline down. Accessories: Black stilettos; silver necklace; gold hoop earrings Lou gave her; no bracelets; no bag. Hair: Updo; few strands of hair framing her face.

Perrie: Short halter top dress with a metallic blue look to it and pockets; Accessories: Black converse; a necklace & earring set she got for her birthday from Little Mix band mates; no bracelets; no bag. Hair: Straightened and slicked back into a long ponytail.

Amanda's POV 

"Damn. We look good!" Dani said. I nodded in agreement. "Alright! Let's go to the party!" I say and we all got into the 6 seated van and headed to the destination.

A/N:: I'm about to post the pictures of the dresses on my Twitter! @TechGirl2015 if you want to see what they look like! :) Part three will be up soon. Fan, Vote & Comment! Much love!xx -Amanda.

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