Chapter Fifteen- Glad I Met You

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Chapter Fifteen

Amanda's POV

I woke up in Josh's arms at the new hotel we were staying at on our vacation. I grinned and stretched, then looked over to see the biggest grin on Josh's face but his eyes were still shut. Hmm must be a good dream! I go to move and end up trapped because of Josh's arm around me. He moves and now both arms are around me like a seatbelt for the waist only. I sigh, whenever I try to move, the grip gets tighter, but its not hurting me. I lay back down and begin to think about everything. 

From when I got the phone call from Lia saying she was going to live with One Direction for a year to getting the phone call from the London hospital about Lia being in a car accident. That was probably one of the scariest moments of my life. I had to ask my parents to buy me a ticket out to London because the doctors wouldn't tell me what was wrong with her. They just kept saying 'Lia Higgins in the hospital. Come quick. Have a safe flight.' Which drove me crazy so finally I broke down and flew out to London. Getting here was amazing cause I've always wanted to be in London, then when I found out Lia was okay, I was gonna go straight home but then I saw Josh.

Josh Devine. Man I thought he was so much more beautiful in person. Much taller too. I chuckle at the thought and reminsce. Man was it hard getting to where I am now. But it was so worth it. From fake dating Niall, to my fight with Josh to my fall out with Lia, to the fake break up. It was so hard and tough. But I am one of those girls that likes to hold everything inside. Lia knows that and has been working forever to get me to let my feelings out but its a lot harder than anyone realizes. Half the time I don't even know how I feel, just how I SHOULD feel. 

Josh moves and his grip on me loosens but I don't want to move. God I never knew how hard I could fall for a guy. I'd never had a boyfriend before but I'd always see happy couples, and wish that was me. I'd been kissed before but the next day the guy called and told me no, that there was nothing there. He didn't want to work on it. I felt like I should've cried so for two minutes, I did. 

I know what you're thinking, 'two minutes? Wow thats sooo long -.-' but to me it is. It takes a lot of stuff to happen for me to actually break down in tears. So those two minutes were long for me and the tears scared me. I didn't want to fall for this guy but then when we talked and kissed, I had fallen for him. But it didn't work. Thank God that didn't happen with Josh. I feel so safe with him. My happiness radiates off of me and I smile bigger and more than I ever have before.

I'm truly happy with him and I love being his girlfriend. Even though I'm a fan of One Direction, him being their drummer doesn't phase me. To me he isn't Josh Devine, drummer for One Direction. To me, he's Josh Devine, my best friend and boyfriend. I talk to him and confide in him. He knows some of my secrets and I know some of his. I'm honestly the happiest I've ever been and I hope this doesn't end anytime soon. Or never for all I care.

Josh moves again and groans as the sun hits him in the eyes. He moves his arms, and brings them to his face to rub his tired eyes. As soon as they focus, they land on me. I grin, and he does too. "Good morning sunshine. How are you?" he asks. I giggle, which is weird cause I like never giggle. Josh noticed too, "Did.. Did you just giggle?" He starts laughing. I lightly punch him on the arm, "Yes I did! Your point? And I'm doing wonderful thank you!" He stops laughing and we get out of bed. 

"Plans for today?" I ask as we look out our balcony into the city. He shrugs, "Sight see?" I squeal and nod. "I'll order room service, you go take a shower and get ready." he says. I stop and put my hands on my hips, "Excuse me, do I smell weird? Is that why you told me to take a shower?!" He looks up at me shocked then almost afraid. I have to refrain myself from laughing. I sounded like Lou, so sassy, I loved it! "I- I, uh, N- No. Thats no-" he clears his throat, "No thats not what I meant." He's so nervous, its hilarious. Finally I can't hold it anymore and burst out laughing, clutching my stomach. "Oh- Oh my gosh. I was just kidding! Oh but your face! PRICELESS!" I tell him in between fits of laughter. 

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