Chapter Twelve (Part Four)- The Party Part Two

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Chapter Twelve- Part Four  

The Party: Part Two

Josh's POV 

I don't know if I can tell Amanda who the lad was. Im afraid all this unwanted drama will just break out. "Hey buddy. You okay? You look a little pale." Louis asks me as we walk off stage.

I look at him and pull him aside. "Louis, what do you think of Caitlyn?" I ask him, curious to see what his answer would be. He looked at me, his face weary, "She's cool I guess. Why?" He scratches the back of his neck. I look at him, waiting for him to understand why I asked him that question.

He looked up at me and sighed."I thought that was her. I wasn't sure and I didn't want to believe it. Man it was an accident. I didn't plan on falling for her when I did. I didn't even know that she was your gf at the time. Heck we didn't even know each other." He said.

He was right. It was weird. We met at a club a week before I was signed to be their drummer. We met cause his face was glued to Caitlyn's face. "I wasn't even sure you recognized her." I told him. We both sigh. "What do I do?" I ask him. I don't know if I should tell Amanda or not. I can't lie to her, but I need to know if Louis wants it to get out.

He looks at me eyes wide, "You aren't planning on telling anyone are you?" I run my hand through my hair, "Lou, I can't lie to Amanda. She wants to know who the lad is that Caitlyn cheated on me with." He groans and starts mumbling. I wait for him to finish and then he clears his throat.

"Okay. You can tell Amanda but I don't want the word to get out. I don't think she remembers me. I think she just remembers you." He says. I nod. We are interrupted by a certain curly haired boy telling us to get our arses out there and dance.

Caitlyn's POV 

Oh my. The look on Josh's face, worth it, oh and then the look on Amanda's face? Priceless. Oh my. I can't believe he remembered. I didn't until I heard he was the drummer for 1D. Yeah. I did my research on the lads before coming overseas. Speaking of Josh, I wonder what ever happened to the lad I cheated on Josh with.

Amanda's POV 

Josh walks up to me after being gone for what seemed like hours. I just got him back, "I want to dance. We can talk later, ok?" He nods and smiles a genuine smile. I sigh in complete happiness. All of the sudden we hear yelling and fighting.

Josh and I break apart to see El & Louis fighting. What the crap? El just got back home, what did Lou do this time? Soon we are all in a circle around the not so happy couple. "Guys. What's going on?!" Harry asks, well he had to yell it to be heard over Lou's yelps from being hit by El. Dani gets my attention, as we are standing next to each other, and we run over to hold El back from leaving marks on Lou. "Dammit Lou. How could you?!" El screams at Lou through her tears.

Tears stream down their faces, and I can tell El crying is making it harder for Lou not to completely break down. Harry walks over to Lou, "El, it was years ago!" Louis says trying to control the situation as the crowd began to notice what was going on.

"But we were TOGETHER at the time Louis! WE WERE A COUPLE AND YOU-- YOU CHEATED ON ME!!" she screamed at him again. A collective gasp could be heard in the room. Dani and I were shocked by what we heard, we let go of El and she went right back to punching Lou. He just stood there and took it like a gentleman.

Liam took the time to grab Lou and pull him away from El, "Wait guys. Why don't you discuss this when you get home. You really don't want an audience right now." El stopped hitting him long enoughy to spit at his shoes, "No Liam. Thanks. Louis William Tomlinson I hope you're happy with Caitlyn. Don't call or text me or tweet me again! I don't want the 'We can still be friends' bullshit. Good bye. Dani, Amanda, Perrie & Lia I hope we can keep in touch." With that El was gone. Dani and Perrie chased after her. But I don't think Lia and I noticed because we were too busy staring at Caitlyn with looks that could kill.

"Ha. You think that's the end of it?" Caitlyn says and I see Lou of the corner of my eye start waving his hands like crazy and walking up to her. She smirks, "Amanda, why don't you ask Jo--" she was cut off by Lou putting his hand over her mouth and the rest was muffled.

Not that I cared. I was too busy staring at Josh who was staring at me. "Your flat. Now. We need to talk." is all I said before walking out of the doors. Josh came running after me, "Amanda, wait. Let me explain." I stopped, turned to look at him and he shut up. "You can explain when we get to your flat." I tell him and his thumb brushes away some tears. I didn't even know why I was crying. I turned away and walked to the car.

*At Josh's place. The party had ended when they left.*

Josh's POV 

"Amanda can I talk now?" I asked when we walked through the door. She nodded. "Okay. So Louis was the guy that Caitlyn cheated on me with. At the time I didn't even know him. I met him at a pub when his face was glued to Caitlyn's face. It was crazy cause a week later I got a call from my manager saying that they had a position opened to play for a British/ Irish boy band. So I auditioned and got the job. Then I met the lads and it turned out that Lou was in the band. I guess Lou had been dating El for a month before I caught him snogging Caitlyn." I take a deep breath before continuing. Amanda is watching me intently and I continue.

"So at first we recognized each other and decided that we should at least act professional for our jobs. Then when I saw Caitlyn again today, I freaked out. I didn't know if Lou had told anyone about it, didn't know if he wanted to tell anyone and I didn't know if he recognized her at all. Turns out he didn't to all three of those things. I told him who she was and he couldn't believe it. So we decided we'd keep it under wraps but I could tell you. But it got out of control and I guess El had heard because we had left the door open. Then the fight happened and here we are." I ended. God I hope I didn't screw up somehow. Amanda got up and sat in my lap, "Thank you." I chuckle, "For what?" I ask. "For telling me the truth." I look at her, "Can you tell when I'm not?" I ask. She nods and laughs. I stare at her curious as to how. "Your eyebrows come together and you sort of smile in a way that I can you're lying." she tells me. Damn. I wonder if that is true.

I got on Twitter and saw that the fans had made a few trends worldwide: 




Whoa. Amanda and I have a couples name. I smile and it turns into a grin. "What are you grinning at like a fool?" Amanda asks. I look up at her, "The fans have created a name for us." I say. She lights up, "Really?" she runs over. I nod and show her. "Awh!" she says. I laugh, "And I'm the fool?" I ask. She nods, "But you're my fool." and she kisses me. Good night Twitter.

A/N:: Okay. So that's the end of Chapter Twelve with the party and everything. Yes Eleanor & Louis broke up in this STORY! Not in real life, or at least as far as I know. Anyways. Can't wait for Ch. 13 but I know it'll be awhile until I update cause of school starting like too soon for my liking. Fan, Vote & Comment! Much love!xx -Amanda

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