Chapter Two- Damn You Modest! Management

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Chapter Two- London, UK

Josh Devine's POV 

Shit, was the first thing I thought when I got a call from the man himself, Mr. Richards, the CEO of Modest! Management. I get to the office and before I can even knock I hear Mr. Richards say to come in. What is he? Psychic?I walk in nervous as hell. Is he going to fire me? What did I do? Wait, I have a contract! He can't fire me. "Ah. Mr. Devine. Please, sit down." he points to the seat in front of him. I sit down and my leg starts bouncing. I try to stop my leg. I do this a lot when I'm nervous. I guess he knew that cause he asked me if I was nervous. I nodded and he laughed. "Don't be nervous. I just have a job for you." I nod and he continues.

"We have arranged for a girl to come from America to live with the One Direction lads for a year. I notice you've become quite a catch with the fans. Well we've decided that you should continue getting the attention. So in order to ensure that, you are to date the girl." he tells me.

I'm shocked. My leg has stopped bouncing, I'm frozen. I thought the lads were kidding when they said Management would make them date girls for publicity. I feel my neck move and noticed I shaked my head. My brain catches up with my body, "No. I can't do that. Fake date her? It would never work. How do you even know she likes me? Or anything about her?" I just start babbling. Another thing I do when I'm confused. He laughs again. "Oh Josh. I'm not giving you the option to say no. You're gonna do it. You're gonna get the girl to fall for you and you'll date for the year she's here. Then before she leaves you'll break up." he says and before I could say anything else he dismisses me.

What the hell? I leave the office in a daze. I call a friend and ask him if we could chill. He says yeah and to meet him at his flat. I get there and Niall opens the door right as I see a crying Gabby run through the door with her things. "Ay mate. Come on in." he says and I give him a questioning look. "Management let me break up with her." he says and I pat him on the back. I don't think any of us liked her. He hands me a beer and we sit down. "You okay?" he asks. I look at him and spill everything. "And I thought you lads were kidding when you said that Management makes you do those things." I tell him. "Richards won't even let me date her. I know why now. Do you know her name?" Niall asks. I'm about to answer when his phone rings.

He puts his finger up and answers the phone. "Ello?" he says. "Oh yeah. He's right here." I look at him intrigued. Me? He hangs up soon. "Come on. We gotta go to the airport to pick up mystery girl." he says and we leave. Paul picks us up and I see the other lads are there. We joke on the way there & soon we are at the airport. Here goes nothing.

Lia's POV 

"Ma'am we've landed." I'm woken by the sound of a lady's voice. I open my eyes and squint at her. "Huh?" I ask. She tells me again and I nod my thanks. I grab my overhead bag, I begin to walk off the plane but not before hitting the floor with my face. Ugh. Why?! I get up, rubbed my face & headed to pick up my bags. I walk to the pick up part of the airport to see a sign that has 'Lia Higgins- Modest! Management' written on it. I walk up to the guy, and tell him it's me. He checks his phone, nods and takes my bags. I check out the airport as I follow him.

I get into a black SUV to see a big guy sitting in the passenger seat and then six guys sitting across from me. "Hello!" they all say in unison. Except for the blonde one. He just stared at me until the one in plaid elbowed him. "Erm, hello. You must be One Erection." I say. They all look at each other and burst out laughing. Even the driver and the big guy start laughing. I just sit there and watch them laugh, my cheeks growing hot with embarrassment.

"Oh my. That's a good one. Um, no sweet cakes. We are One Direction." the curly headed boy says, putting emphasis on Direction. "Oh. That's right. Sorry. I don't listen to you guys but my best friend does. She's a... What are your fans called again?" I ask. I'm so horrible with stuff like this. "Directioners." a guy with a drummers tshirt on respond.

I nod. "That! She's a Directioner." "Wait so, you don't listen to our music?" a boy eating carrot asks. I shake my head. But before anyone can ask why, our car slams on its breaks, I turn to see what's going on and gasp.

Everything goes black.

The Contest (A One Direction/ Josh Devine Fanfic) (Officially Finished)Where stories live. Discover now