Chapter Twelve (Part One)- The Mall

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Chapter Twelve - Part One! 

*End of Month One!*

Lia's POV 

"Seriously?!" I yell at the rain pouring down outside, hitting the windowsill. "Babe. What?" Niall asks, wrapping his arms around my waist. I sigh, "It's freaking summer. July 23rd and it's freaking raining!" He laughs in my ear but then stops short. "Wait. What's the date?" he asks. I tell him again, and he let's go of my waist. I immediately feel naked. I love how his arms wrap around my tiny waists, how he is gentle yet firm with his kisses and how safe he makes me feel. "Babe?" I ask him.

He turns away and walks out of the bedroom door. "Well that went well...?" I say and follow him. I catch up to him to see him walk out the door as Amanda yells, "Happy Birthday!" at him. I give her a confused look. I've been here a month and have been trying to learn things about them. But I KNOW today is NOT Niall's birthday.

"Er Amanda? It's July. Not September." I tell her. She looks at me confused before laughing. "Ohh. No. I know that. Today is the lads' birthday! One Directions 2nd birthday!" she informs me. I stare blankly at her before giving her the 'Da Fuq?' look. I don't remember this being in the tests. Yes. They quiz me over stuff about them. It's ridiculous but Niall won't cuddle with me unless I take the bloody tests, so I have no choice.

"Well you know how the lads were formed on X Factor right?" She asks me. I nod. First we went over birthdays and middle names as well as birth places. Now I was learning about how they came together. "Well the lads were put together on July 23, 2010 @ 8:22pm, UK time. So that's why I said Happy Birthday!" she tells me and I nod, soaking it in.

"Okay. So do we celebrate or something?" I ask, thinking of it like a regular birthday party. She stands there thinking for a minute. "I dunno. Lemme call Liam." she says. I nod. The other lads had came back about a week ago & right now the girlfriends supposedly off on trips again for their jobs. We had like three days to hang out before they left.

Amanda hung up on the phone. "He said that Simon is throwing them a party, and we are invited! He said its semi formal. Also that Niall is over at his place. Ahh Niam.." she said. I laugh. She is such a Niam shipper! Yes! I learned about the bromances when they told me about their relationship statuses. Funny conversation.

What the heck is semi formal? I thought. "Not sure!" Amanda said. Whoops said that aloud. "Whoops. Okay wanna go dre-- "I'm cut off by my phone ringing. I check the caller id and smile.

Hey Caitlyn! -L 

Hey! What are you guys up to? -C 

About to go dress shopping. Want to come with? We have a party to go to. -L 

Sure! Am I invited? -C 

Definitely. Your my plus 1! -L 

Sweet. Meet you at the mall? -C 

Sure! -L

Caitlyn got here the day the other lads came back. Lemme tell you that was one long ass day at the airport. I don't know if I'm the only one whose noticed but I think Harry has a thing for Caitlyn. I don't know about her yet. I make a mental note to ask her at the mall.

"Caitlyn's meeting us at the mall!" I say, grabbing my keys and umbrella, walking out the door. Amanda nods & squeals, "I actually feel like shopping today!" I laugh. She's so weird. "Dork." I call her and she sticks out her tongue, "Dork to you too."

We stare at each other for a minute before bursting out laughing. An old couple walks by and gives us weird stares. "Inside joke!" we both say at the same time. "JINX!" we say at the same time again. We laugh. "Dork!" we fall over laughing as that's the third time we've talked at the same time.

Amanda's POV 

My phone rings, and I try to regain my breath. Lia chuckles trying to do the same.

Hello? -A 

Hey! -?

I pull my phone away from my ear, i read the name and I smile.

Oh hey Dani! What's up? -A 

Well don't tell the lads but Perrie, El & I are back in London for the lads party! -D 

Oh! Yay! Lia, Caitlyn and I are about to go dress shopping. Want to tag along as well? -A 

Sure! Meet you at the mall? I'll pick up El & Perrie! -D

I agree and hang up. "Okay! Let's go!" I say taking the car keys from her hand. I took the time to get a temporary license for England since I'd be here for a year. She grunts, "Then you should go get your license!" I yell over my shoulder at her. We walk outside and luckily the rain had stopped long enough for us to run to our car.

Soon we were in the mall. "Dani! El! Perrie! Caitlyn!" I yell when I see the girls. Luckily all of us are really good friends. We all take turns hugging each other. "All right you British people, where do we go for semi formal dress shopping?" I ask the trio of girls, Dani, El & Perrie. They look between each other, smirk and point at a small store in the mall. "There." the three say at the same time. All right. I guess we are going in there.

Going through the racks and racks of cute dresses, Lia asks Caitlyn a question. "So Caitlyn! What do you think of a certain Mr. Styles?" I laugh at her attempt to smooth the question over and she shoots me a glare. "Yeah! Louis tells me that Harry may have a thing for you!" El says elbowing Caitlyn suggestively as they were standing next to each other. She laughs and shrugs, "Dunno. I haven't been paying much attention to him to be honest." Why do I have a feeling that Caitlyn is hiding something?

"OMG! Amanda!" I hear Perrie squeal, and my head shoots up. "Huh?" I ask confused. She holds up a dress, "This would look PERFECT on you!" I look at it and fall in love with it. The other girls mumble their agreements and I reach for the dress. I run over to the dressing room to try it on.

It fits. Just right, hitting my curves in all the right places. "Perrie, you are genius." I yell from the dressing room. I hear her laugh and yell her appreciation. I take the dress off and walk to the counter as the other girls follow with their dresses. Paying for them, we leave.

"Accessories, & shoes next ladies." Dani says dragging us to the next store. About an hour later we were in the food court, and Dani's phone rings. "Shit. It's Liam. He thinks I'm in the studio!" she looks at us panicked. Then Perrie's phone rings. She looks up at us, "It's Zayn." Then as if on cue, El, Lia and I's phone rings. We look at each other and our boyfriends names roll off our lips. Uh oh. This is freaky.

A/N:: This is part One! :) VOTE FOR PART TWO! :) Also does anyone know how to add pictures to the chapters? Please message me or comment below! Much love!xx -Amanda

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