Chapter Thirteen: The Aftermath

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Chapter Thirteen 

*End of month two! It's August!!*

For the rest of July, which was like 9 days, we didn't see Louis at all. Like he wasn't in his flat or in anyone else's. Now that I think about it, we didn't even see Caitlyn either. Hmm...

*flashback to day after the party*

Caitlyn's POV 

Okay I have to admit, after seeing El & Louis break up I felt so bad. But I wouldn't have seen it coming. It wasn't until El said that he cheated on her with me that I realized why Louis was so distant around me. Boy has Louis changed since the last time I saw him. It had been about three years ago when Josh had supposedly been out of town all day, so decided to go out to the pub.

I had, had a few drinks, okay I had more alcohol in my system than I could hold. I found some teen and it was obvious he was 18, cause he was trying to get the bartenders attention the way a newbie would. But he was quite the charmer. He got a kick out of the fact that I was 19, almost 20. In present day Louis is 20 and I'm 21.

Anyways long story short, I had too much to drink as did he, we kissed and danced, then Josh came into the pub. Found me kissing Louis and our relationship was over. I knew Josh well enough to know, even I had defended myself, he would never forget, maybe forgive but not forget.

After the party had died down I followed Louis to his flat to apologize but some lady with long black hair and looked a lot like Louis was there. I ended up leaving. But the next day, I went over there to apologize and we ended up talking for hours. I realized that I had a lot more in common with him than I realized.

For instance, I absolutely love carrot cake and he loves carrots. It was fun hanging out with Lou. I really enjoyed it and I guess he did too cause on July 30th he asked me out on a one on one date to see if we could maybe be something more than friends. So we went on the date and haven't looked back since.

Louis' POV 

Man when I found out that Caitlyn was the girl that I had cheated on El with I was shocked. I couldn't believe how small of a world it actually was. You may hate me but I never stopped liking Caitlyn since the day I had met her at the pub. So when El said we were over, one part of me was crushed that I lost my best friend, but the other half, was focused on Caitlyn.

When she came over the day after the big blow up, I was shocked. I didn't think she'd speak to me. So I took the time to get to know her. After a few days of us just talking and hanging out, I decided to ask her out. She agreed and our date is on day 3.

Destination? I'm not telling you. No one knows except for Caitlyn & I. Not even the paps know. If the lads try to get ahold of me, they can't. Our phones died about 24 hours ago and we aren't in a hurry to charge them. I left them a note anyways.

*Present Day: August 1st*

Lia's POV 

Thank goodness that it's August. Niall PROMISED to take me on a trip. Just us two. I'm majorly excited but I don't know where we are going. "Hey babe. Do you know what month it is?" I asked Niall, jumping up and down. He looked at me blankly, shaking his head. I sigh but I don't stop jumping. "AUGUST!!!" I scream. He looks confused for a minute and I stop dancing long enough for it to click in his head.

"Ahh. The trip!" Niall says. I nod excited. "Love, we'll leave tomorrow." TOMORROW?! Does he not understand that one, I NEED to know where we are going, and two I NEED time to pack! "Where are we going?" I ask. He shakes his head, kissing me on my forehead, "I'm not telling you."

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