Chapter Six- The Mall

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Chapter Six 

Josh's POV 

I woke up with a headache and my wrist in pain. Urgh. Why'd I have to sprain my wrist? I grabbed some medicine and water. I gulped down the bottle of water, instantly my head felt a little better. I checked my phone to see that I had missed a call from Richards. I called back.

Hello? Mr. Richards? -J 

Hello Josh. I wanted to know how it was going with Operation Lia? -R 

(Operation Lia?! She's a fucking mission now?!) 

Well honestly it's not going too well. We just got out of the hospital and yeah. Mr. Richards, I just don't like Lia that way. I'm sorry but I can't go through with this "operation". -J 

Oh Mr. Devine. I already told you, you don't have a choice in this matter. Want to keep working for the band? Make this operation work. -R

With that he hung up. Shit. I run my hands over my face. How the hell do I approach this?!

Niall's POV 

I woke up early and laid on my bed, making no show of movement. I ran Lia's answer through my head over and over again. How the hell am I supposed to try and date her now?! I know Management wont allow it. How's Josh supposed to make a move? Josh. Shit. He gets to date her. I sit up furious. He cannot steal Lia from me. Well she's not mine exactly but close enough! I get up and walk to the kitchen. Lia is sitting at the counter, "Hey Nialler." I grin at her, "Any plans for today?" She shakes her head. "Nope. You?" I shake my head.

There's a knock at the door, and I look through the peephole to see... Fucking Josh. I open the door letting him in. "Hey Josh!" Lia screams running up to him, giving him a hug. "Amanda gave me a heads up on all of your names so I know them now!" My fists clench at the sight of the hug. Josh hugged her back and smiled. "Hey Lia. I was wondering if I could talk to you privately for a minute?" She nods, grabbing his hand, dragging him to her room. The door closes and I feel like I'm going to burst with jealousy. Damn what this girl does to me. I wonder if she even knows she does it.

Lia's POV 

I hugged Josh and I saw Niall's fist clench, his eyes full of jealously. I know I do this to him. I want him to fucking grow some balls and ask me out. I don't care what Paul says. He doesn't get to control me now after 18 years. Josh asked to talk to me so I pulled him to my room.

"What's up?" I ask him as we sit on my bed. He scratches the back of his head nervously, peering up at me, "Iwaswonderingifyouwantedtogooutwithme? Tomorrow night?" He said it so fast all I caught was 'tomorrow night'. "Wait what? All I caught was tomorrow night." I ask him. He takes a deep breath, "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Ohhh. Now I understand what he said. What about Niall? Oh this would be perfect to make Niall jealous. "Yeah. Sure. Why not?" I say and his smile turns into a grin. He nods and says he'll text me the details. I have a date with Josh Devine. Oh Niall Horan, you won't know what hit you, will you?

Niall's POV 

I bid my farewell to Josh as he leaves. Lia comes out of her room with the biggest smile on her face. "What's the smile about?" I ask suspiciously. She shakes her head, "Just going on a date with Josh tomorrow night." My jaw clenches and I tense up. The little faggot is actually going through with the fake dating thing. She gets up to leave and skips down to her room. "Hey. I'm going out for breakfast. Be back later." I yell after her. I hear her yell her response, grabbing my keys & phone, I hit the road. I pull up to a little diner and I'm thankful that the parking lot is empty. I call Josh and it goes to voicemail.

Josh. You better not fucking hurt her. I like her and you know that. You fucking hurt her and I will kill you & your drum set.

I hung up, pissed. Calming down, I head into the diner to eat. 3 orders of food later I pay, tip and leave. God. What if she likes him and not me? Goddammit. Why would she like me? I'm just some bloke with bleached hair and braces. Of course she'd date Josh over me. My phone starts to ring and I see it's Harry.

Hey mate. What's up? -N 

Hey Niall? It's Amanda. I have a question to ask you. But I wanted to talk to you in person, privately. -A 

Oh. Hey Amanda. Yeah. Sure. I'll pick you up in a few minutes okay? -N

She agrees and I hang up. Few minutes later, Amanda is in the passenger seat. We decide to go to the mall. We get there, walking in and out of stores. Talking about random things, and soon I'm hungry again. We go to the food court and order food.

About five minutes later we are swarmed with fans and paps. Shit.  

"Niall! Who is this girl? Is she your princess?!" I hear someone ask. I grab Amanda's hand and we book it. Once back at the car, I apologize and she waves it off. "Listen Niall. I just wanted you to know that I like Josh. I know you like Lia. So I figured since they were going on a date with each other, maybe we should do the same? I would never ask you of this if I didn't think it would work to make them jealous." she tells me. I sit there and contemplate it. I don't know why I did it but I have a date with Amanda tomorrow night. Josh is going to kill me.

Harry's POV 

I woke up to 27 missed calls and 16 text messages. I groaned and saw that they were all from Mum & Gemma. I called back and Mum wanted me to come home. I made a few calls and now I'm on the train to Holmes Chapel. Home sweet home.

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