Chapter Eleven- The Clear Up

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Chapter Eleven

Amanda's POV 

Niall dropped me off at Harry's flat after our date. I ran to Josh's door. Basically, Liam & Dani live in a flat that's in the same building as Lou & El's as well as Zayn & Perrie's flat. Harry and Josh live in the same building but different flats about 2 streets over. Niall has his own flat about two streets over from Harry & Josh's place.

Anyways. I ran to Josh's door and started knocking on it. After a minute I hit again and it opens by itself. I push it open with a finger, "Erm Hello?" I yell into the darkness. I see a light coming from the hallway. No answer. I drag my hand across the wall trying to find a light switch. Bingo. I flick it on and gasp. The place looks... CLEAN! I hear something coming from Josh's bedroom. I grabbed a baseball bat from by the door and headed toward the bedroom. His door was open, "Josh?" I whisper scream. I really hope I'm alone in here. I guess not, I hear water running and the shuffling of drawers. "Josh?" I ask louder and I'm sure the person should hear me.

"Josh is that you?" I hear a female voice ask. My heart stops and my breath catches in my throat. "Josh if you're here, I'll be out in a minute." the female voices calls out. I freeze for a second, then I come back to my senses and book it out of there. Putting the baseball bat back by the door, turning off the light, closing the door and I was out of there. Josh has a girlfriend now?

Lia's POV

*The Next Day* 

Harry and I decided to leave after breakfast instead. When we got to London I realized that I didn't have anywhere to stay. I looked at my phone to see a text from Niall.

Hey love. I know we ended on bad terms but I wanted you to know that you are still welcome to stay at my flat. I have news for you that I'd rather tell you in person. -Niall

I was shocked to get the text, let alone the okay to live with him. I texted him back and told him okay. Harry dropped me off and we said good bye. I've got to set him up with Caitlyn when she gets here tomorrow.

I walked up to his flat door and opened it, "Niall?" His head peeked out from behind the kitchen wall. "Oh hey Lia. Welcome home." he says and he disappears again. "Thanks. I'm gonna go out my stuff away. Then do you want to talk?" I ask him. I like my head into the kitchen, "Yeah. Lemme know when you come back out." he says. I nod and leave.

I'm nervous. I don't know what it is he wants to talk about but it's freaking me out. I don't like surprises. At all. I put away my stuff and made my way back to the living room. "I'm back." I tell him. "Great. Let's go grab a bite to eat, yeah?" he asks, grabbing his keys. I nod and soon we are at a little sandwich shop on the streets of London.

We order and sit down. "Sooo..." I say. The silence isn't too awkward, thankfully. God. I don't know how I feel about this. I know I still like him but I know he's still with Amanda, and it kills me. "The thing I wanted to tell you was Amanda and I broke up. Lia, I never liked her like that. Honestly I did it because you were going on a date with Josh and I got... I got jealous. I'm sorry if I made you mad." he told me. I was frozen in my seat. Amanda & him over, he was jealous, he liked me. He actually liked me. I honestly don't know what came over me but I leaped up and kissed Niall. At first he was shocked but then he responded, and lemme tell you, I could get used to this. As our lips moved in sync I could feel him smile into the kiss. We pulled away, gasping for air. "Holy shit. That.... That was bloody amazing." he says and I giggle. "I agree." I tell him with a big grin. "Lia, this may be too soon but will you be my girlfriend?" he asks me, cheeks turning a slight pink. I laugh, "I'd thought you'd never ask."

I called Amanda when we got back to the flat and apologized. "I'm so sorry. I jumped to conclusions and Niall told me that you like Josh. Have you don anything yet? Do you wanna come over?" I ask her. She completely skips the first question, "It's okay. I would've done the same thing. Sure I'll be over in a few." Amanda came over and we made up. I told her about Niall, and she told me about Josh's mystery woman. Oh boy. Will the drama ever stop?

Josh's POV 

I wake up with a huge headache. Fuck. How much did I drink? I look at the bedside table to see 6 empty bottles of alcohol. Shit. I feel it today. I get out of bed and run to the bathroom, puking my guts out. Ugh. Brushing my teeth, I go to the kitchen and grab some Advil.

A few hours, a shower and 5 Advil later I was on the road back home. I pulled over at a gas station to get gas and snacks for the ride. I paid or the gas then went inside to get some snacks.

Some Doritos, a Redbull, some gum, and another bag of Doritos. I head up to the counter to pay and there's a line. I look at the tv to see the news playing. Something about the queen, now something about Niall & Lia-- wait Niall & LIA? I read the headline to see it calling Niall a cheater because he went on a date with Lia. Oh God they kissed.

I dump my food on the counter & pay, "Keep the change!" I grab my food and pull out my phone. I click on Niall's name and press call. It rings then goes to voicemail. Of course.

NIALL!! You son of a duck! How could you?! CHEAT on Amanda?! How dare you! Now management is going to KILL me but not before I kill you!! When I find you, you're gonna wish you hadn't kissed Lia or dated Amanda!

I hung up fuming throwing my phone on the passenger seat and I speed out of the gas station. When I get to London, I drive over to Niall's flat and jump out. "JAMES!! GET OUT HERE!" I yell, pounding on his door.

The door opens and Lia's standing there. "Hey!" she says happy and giddy. I glare and her smile slowly fades. "Niall... I think it's for you." She says and slowly backs away from the door. I look behind her to see Niall sitting on the couch. Niall looks at me and his sandwich pauses halfway from his mouth. "Hey Josh!" a familiar voice says, I step into the flat and turn towards the sound of the familiar voice. Amanda is standing there with a... smile on her face?

"Josh. I'm guessing you saw the news, judging by your voicemail?" Niall asks. I turn towards him and nod. "Yeah. On my way home from my brothers house." I say. Niall sighs, "The tabloids were slow getting out the fact that Amanda and I broke up so when the pictures of Lia & I surfaced, they assumed I cheated on Amanda. I called Management and they are going to clear it up." he told me. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. Amanda stood up and walked down the hall, Lia following. I guess Niall noticed I was watching her, "Management also gave the okay for you to date Amanda instead of Lia." I looked at him and grinned so big, "Thanks Niall. Do me a favor and just delete the voicemail?" He laughs, "As long as you get your ass up there and ask Amanda out. She likes you a lot. The whole reason she went 'out' with me was to make you jealous." When he finished his sentence I rushed upstairs.

I knocked on the already open door, and saw Amanda... crying. I rushed in and Lia looked at me, stood up and left. "Amanda, love. What's wrong?" I ask. "What's wrong? You yelled at me and you practically told me you hated me. Josh I like you and you hurt me. I know I hurt you and for that I am so deeply sorry. I hope you can forgive me and I ho--" I cut her off with a kiss. Cliche but it worked.

When she responded to the kiss I smiled and we pulled away. "B-But what about your gf?" she asks. I give her a confused look, girlfriend? "Girlfriend?" I ask aloud this time. She nods. "I went you your flat to tell you sorry last night but you weren't there. Just some other girl who was calling for you." I think and then I realized who she was talking about. I chuckled, then smiled then full on laughed. She sat there staring at me confused. I gasped for air before responding, "Amanda, love, that would be my maid. She cleans my flat every Friday night." Her cheeks turn a slight pink and then full on red like a tomato. "Oh." was all she could manage. I laughed and leaned in to kiss her again. She smiled and we kissed again.

I pulled away, our foreheads touching, "Be my girlfriend?" She looks into my eyes, before whispering, "Yes" and kissing me again.

A/N:: Vote for the happy ending of this chapter!! No this is not the end (I'm down now but I'll be standing tal again. Times were hard but I was built tough.) Sorry. Got carried away. Whoever can comment with the name of that song, I will dedicate the next chapter to you! Anyways this isn't the end! We are like a month into Lia's stay with the lads. So 11 months to go!! Fan, Vote & Comment! Much love!xx -Amanda

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