Chapter 6

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Jessie had offered to do my hair again before she went into work, the hospital wanted her to start working a few night shifts, but I told her I'd be fine so I nodded her on her way. After she pulled out of the driveway and down the road I had the house to myself. I was really glad that my foster mom hadn't questioned my puffy cheek, or the fact that I slept yesterday before dinner. She probably figured I'd had another long day and didn't want to be disturbed. Jessie hugged me when I told her about volleyball, she said she was proud and would be there for every game, home or away.

When I dragged myself up the stairs towards the attic I still felt the tiny smile on my face as I looked through my closet. I kept my blue skinnies on but removed the sweatshirt and replaced it with a grey, long sleeve t-shirt to keep things covered. I couldn't believe I'd fallen back into that place where I hid my body due to what other people had done to me, it disgusted me. Sometimes it terrified me.

I slipped on a different pair of socks because my feet get sweaty fast then I put my black converse back on. After I emptied my backpack of school materials and trash I threw an extra pair of clothes incase I stayed the night. A pair of volleyball shorts and a sweatshirt I'd gotten from my last school in Maine. I tried to buy a something from each school I'd ever been to or at least every state. I had a drinking cup from Michigan, the pull-over from Maine, a keychain I bought on my way out of Florida, and a couple other things that were probably placed around my room.

My shoes clicked as I walked on the wooden floors into the tiled bathroom that always seemed to be 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house. I touched up my makeup and attempted to make my cheek less noticeable and puffy before I took my backpack with me downstairs and into the master bathroom. I plugged in Jessie's curling iron and waited for it to warm up. I opened my phone that I had in my back pocket then went to Spotify to start playing some music to pass the time, I almost wished I'd done it sooner. Music made everything easier and somehow quicker, like chores, or sitting in a boring class, or even writing a book.

Gangsta by Kehlani began to play through the speakers on my phone, as soon as Suicide Squad came out I instantly downloaded the soundtrack on Spotify. So I listened to the soundtrack as I curled my long, chocolate hair then I just kind of walked around the house with the music trying to waste time since the party started at 8 and it had only been 5 when I'd gotten done getting ready.

By 6 I realized I'd been walking aimlessly around the house for an hour so I decided to take my backpack filled with clothes, and my phone charger, out ot the car and I pulled out of my parking spot. I plugged my phone into the car's speakers so I could continue to play my own music as I drove around the small town I moved to about a month prior to the night of the party. There wasn't much downtown except a few antique shops, two mini restaurants, a pizza place, a bakery, and there seemed to be a lot of cafes. Including a Starbucks, which I pulled into and ordered my usual drink. A caramel frappe.

My drink and I drove out of downtown Plainwell and into some subdivisions then I found my way out and kept moving until I somehow ended up back to my foster parents house. A tiny sigh left my mouth when I saw it was only a little after 7 o'clock. I thought maybe Nick wouldn't mind if I showed up early since we were friends so I clicked through my messages and found his address that he had sent me last week when he first told me about his party. I typed it into the GPS then hit play on my music again before I began to drive towards the bad boy's house.

The second I finished knocking on the mansion's door, Nick answered it with a grin which he used to hide his surprised eyes but I noticed them. I let out a small laugh.

"I'm sorry I'm early, I got bored driving around town by myself." I explained as he ushered me inside what he called his house. The place had been bigger than I thought. I knew Nick's family had money and that his house was huge, but I never thought it had been that big. I spotted the pool in the backyard through the sliding screen doors that led to the outside. There were tiki lights lined up all around and the firepit was set up opposite to the pool and hot tub.

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