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       This is what happens to all of the characters after the story's over.

Nick and Justin - Nick and Justin move to California. Nick finally finds another girlfriend when Justin is 11. Her name was Morgan. They got married when Justin was 15. They had a daughter and named her Julie. When Justin was 17, Nick told him about Megan's past and why they don't talk about her family. And yes, he knows about the gang and so does Morgan. When Justin was 24 he married a girl named Rebekah. They had twin girls. Marissa and Melodee. Everyone was very happy. Nick died at the age of 89 because of a heart attack. Morgan at 88 because of a car crash.

Austin - After Nick and Justin left, Austin stepped down as gang leader. He never forgot Megan. He still hasn't. He married a girl named Megan when he was 32. She knew everything, even about Megan and the gang. She loved him so much that she didn't mind. They had a son named Jeremy and a daughter named Tris. After Megan's favorite characters from Divergent and The Vampire Diaries. Austin died of old age and sickness at 95. Megan died of the same thing at 96.

Mia and Luke - Mia found out the day of Megan's funeral that she was pregnant. She had a daughter and they named her Megan. Mia, Luke, and Megan lived in Michigan until Megan left to travel the world. Mia and Luke died at the age of 74 in a plane crash to see Megan in New York. Megan blames herself all the time, until she found a guy named Josh to help her forget all the bad. I guess its a thing for Megan's to find someone who helps them forget.

Nate and Sara - After Megan's funeral, Sara and Nate hooked up. Sara got pregnant and Nate stayed with her. He couldn't leave her or his kid, it just felt wrong. Sara had a daughter named Katherine and 3 years later a son named Stefan. Sara and Nate got married at the age of 28. Sara died of brain cancer at 46. Nate died at 74 because of a drive by shooting at a cafe.

Lindsey and Cristain - Two years after Megan's funeral and one year after they got married,  Lindsey found out that she couldn't have kids. Cristian didn't leave and they adopted 3 kids, two girls and one boy. Elizabeth, Cami, and Josh. Lindsey and Cristian died at the age of 68 because of a drunk driver running into their car. Elizabeth married Stefan, Sara and Nate's son. Josh found Megan in New York and helped her forget her troubled past. Cami married a guy named James.

Renee - After Megan's funeral on Renee's flight back home there was a lightening storm. The plane got hit and crashed. Renee died before the plane touched the ground. A week after that everyone went to her funeral. Plus everyone met Renee's finance, Jacob. He was devastated.

Hunter - Hunter left the gang and went to college at MSU to become a Doctor. He fell in love with a girl named Stacey in his class. They got married after college 6 years later. They had a son named Ethan. Hunter died from a sickness at the hospital at the age of 59. Stacey died a year later from the same thing. They still haven't found a cure for whatever it was.

Ross - Ross stepped up as Gang Leader. Their were no more gang wars and everything was at peace for him. Until a girl walked into the warehouse looking for Caroline. It was Madison, Caroline's twin sister. Ross fell in love instantly and so did Madison. They got married at the age of 27 and had 1 daughter named Sydney. Madison and Ross died at 89 because of old age and sickness, two months apart from each other.

Zach and Jake -  Zach and Jake met in prison. Zach got out when he was 65 and married a lady named Iris 5 years later. Jake got out when he was 40 and married a nice girl named Candice 8 years later. Candice already had a daughter named Lilly, so Jake adopted her. Jake nor Zach ever layed another hand on another person again. Jake and Candice died at the age of 91 of food poisoning. Zach died at 86 because Iris murdered him. Iris went to jail and died while in jail.

Izzy - Izzy sat in the back at Megan's funeral. No one noticed her. Izzy was so sad because she felt like she hurt Megan in a big way in her life. Izzy spent the next 5 years doing charity and became a guidance counselor. She fell in love with a coworker of hers. His name was Toby and they got married when they were 30. They adopted 4 kids, 2 girls and 2 boys. Spencer and Aria. Caleb and Noel.

Levi and Macayla - A month after Megan's funeral, Macayla found out that she was 1 and 1/2 months pregnant. They left the gang for the sake of their child and their lives. Levi and Macayla got married 3 months after they found out. Macayla had a son named Ezra. Then 2 years later a girl named Hanna. Macayla dies during child birth trying to deliver her 3rd child. Levi took care of their 2 kids and then died at age 76 because of a heart attack.

Tyler and Caroline - Tyler and Caroline broke up 3 years after Megan's funeral. Caroline left the gang and moved to Florida. There she married a guy named Mike. They had a daughter named Ellery and a son named Gage. On her visit to New York she got trapped in her car in the middle of a snow storm and died. Tyler stayed in the gang and took over after Ross and Madison had their first child. Tyler became ruthless and cruel. Everyone left the warehouse and Tyler was the only one who stayed. He went crazy and started drinking a lot more than Austin did. Tyler died at the age of 29 because of a drug overdose.

     So there you guys have it. The endings to everyone's stories. I really enjoyed writing this book for you guys and for myself. This book helped me figure out a lot and made me feel less insecure. Remember anything can happen when you live in an imaginary world of characters and fan fictions.
    Don't forget to check out my other books and to vote. I love you all and don't forget, everyone has someone. You just have to find them. Just like Nick and Megan. They always found each other.
       - Megan

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