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                  Megan's P.O.V

                  3 Weeks Later

     I lay on the couch at The Shop on my stomach as Nick cleans back. I wince when he cleans a deep wound and he stops.

    "Megan, why can't we tell? Austin can kick him out, like they did to me. I'd love to beat the shit out of him." Nick asks. He's been asking me why since day 1.

     "I just don't want to see anyone get hurt because of me. I'm not important, they don't need to know." I say.

     "Your important to me and when your hurt like this, it hurts me too."

   "That's why I trusted you with this."

   "I know, but can you at least think about telling Austin."

   "Even if I tried, he wouldn't listen to me." I say while looking down.

    "I'm sorry. That's my fault, I guess." Nick says and finishes cleaning. I sit up, fix my purple T-shirt, and look at him.

     "Why do you blame yourself for everything?" I ask.

     "Because everything is mostly my fault. If I hadn't sat next to you in math, we wouldn't have become friends, and we wouldn't have started dating. None of this would've happened."

    "And if we didn't meet, Zach would've gotten custody anyways, and probably have done worse to me." I say.

     "I love you, Megan." I open my mouth to respond. "All your flaws, all your imperfections, even you yelling at me, I'd ask you to marry me but its too soon. Just promise me one thing."


     "Promise me that we'll get married one day and leave here. Live somewhere far away with Justin and start over. Have new lives together."

     "I promise. One day, that's what we'll do." I say and he kisses me.

     I kiss back. He licks my lips asking for entrance and I grant it. He picks me up a little and lays me down. He breaks the kiss and starts kissing my neck.

     At first everything was perfect, but then I felt my breathing start to pick up. I push Nick off of me and breath uncontrollably. He rushes over to me and helps me.

     "Breath. In and out. In and out." He tells me and breaths slowly. I do the same and I relax. When I finally calm down enough to talk I look at Nick.

    "I'm sorry." I say and he cups my face in his hands.

    "Nothing is your fault, nothing. This all started with Zach and he's gone. Now its Jake and soon he'll be gone too. You know how I know?" I nod. "Because karma's a real bitch." Nick finishes and I laugh.

    "We should get going. I need to tuck Justin in." I say and Nick nods.

     We grab our jackets and walk outside and into the snow. We make it to Nick's truck and get in. I look out the window as we drive by. I look in the rear view side mirror and see my face.

     My cheek is still purple. My eye looks less black and more of a light blue. My nose isn't swollen anymore and there's a scar on the side of face from yesterday. Jake wanted to see how much Zach liked the belt, I guess he likes it now too. Since he used it today.


          Nick pulls the truck up to the warehouse and we get out. We run inside and take off our jackets. We take off our shoes and walk over to the couch. Caroline's playing with Justin while Tyler watches football next to them.

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