I'm Fine

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               Megan's P.O.V

      I watch Nick walk away, he turns around and waves at me. I just walk away and sit on my bed. I can't believe he was with someone while I was in a coma, like who does that. I hear my door open and look up.

      "Megan, are you okay?" Sara says and comes over to me, I smile.

      "I'm fine. I've been through much worse." I laugh.

       "Yeah. I hate being the person to tell you this, but your off the cheer squad." She says and looks down. I look at her and laugh.

      "All of this bullshit is going on in my life and you think the worst part is me getting kicked off the cheer squad." I laugh out.

     "He shouldn't of hurt you. I shouldv'e never have given you permission to like him."

      "Sara, I'm fine. We both know that I've been through worse."

     "Well, on a happier note. Were watching your favorite movie, come on." We get up and walk to the door.

     "Which one, I have tons of favorites?"

      "Divergent." I gasp

       "Thats number 2!" I squel. We walk into the living room and everyone smiles when they see me.

     "Well you look better." Hunter says, I laugh.

      "Oh shut up, I've only been upstairs for 10 minutes." I laugh and hug Hunter. "Thank you."

     "For what?"

      "Punching him."

     "We were all thinking it. Come on, lets watch the movie." We sit down on the couch and I have a bowl of popcorn on my lap.

      "So Sara, I'm guessing your already looking for a new boyfriend for Megan." Nate teases.

      "Shut up! You guys know I love playing match maker." She protests and we all laugh as the movie starts.

     Half way through the movie everyone left. So, its just me and Mia watching Tris touch Tobias' back.

     "Just look at his ab's!" Mia shouts.

     "I want a love like that." I say, Mia laughs.

     "You want him to throw knived at your head?" I laugh.

     "I've been hit with much worse, we both know that." I say and she sadly nods. We turn back to the movie anf finish it.

    "What's your first favorite movie?" Mia asks, I shake my head.

    "You probably don't have it."

    "Try me?" She narrows her eyes at me.

     "The Fault In Our Stars".

    "That's my favorite, too." She squels, I laugh and she pops the movie in. She runs in the kitchen and comes back with 2 boxes of tissues. I grab one and she pushes play.

      At Augustus' pre-funeral with Hazel and Isacc, we both start crying. We know what's coming next. When Hazel walks over to his grave, I cry even more.

     "I want a love like that." I sniffle.

    "So, in the end you want him to die." I smack her arm.

     "How dare you make a joke at a time like this." I say and we turn back to the movie.

     When the movie's over, we get up.and walk upstairs. I hug her.

    "Thank you, Mia. Today both sucked and was amazing at the same time." I say.

     "No problem. I'll wake you up for school in the morning." She says and I nod. I walk into my room and she walks into her's.

     I pull on black shorts and a black tank top. I crawl into bed and close my eyes, I smile. Tomorrow should be interesting, going back to school and all.

     If people ask how I am, I will smile and say "I'm fine, thank you for asking." Coming back from a coma should get me some attention, so I'll have to stay low. At least I'll try.




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