When Your In A Coma

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            Megan's P.O.V

      When everything went black, I tried to move but I couldn't. I was numb or something.  I'm standing in a white room, I see a door and I walk towards it. I open the door and I'm at the laser tag arena.

      I have no idea what's going on, I turn around and I am in someone's arms. I look up and see Nick, I hug him tighter. We brake apart and he looks down at me.

      "Are you ready to play?" He asks. I have no idea what this is, but I don't care. I nod and smile. "Ok, me and Luke will be team captains, since it was my idea I pick first." Nick says. I turn around and see everyone there. I stand by Sara and watch the guys pick teams.

     "Nate." Nick said.

      "Megan." Luke said.

      " Lindsey." Nick said.

      "Hunter." Luke said.

        "Renee." Nick said.

       "Sara." Luke said.

       "Cristian." Nick said.

      "Hey, the teams are uneven." Luke says. I knew he was going to say that.

     "Yeah, but you have my girlfriend." Nick says and Luke nods.

     "True, true. Ok, ready...... set...... go!" Luke yells and we all take off. I know how this goes and I don't want to mess it up. So I go anf hide behind a crate. I hear a gun go off, not a laser gun, a real gun. I jump and turn around to see Lindsey on the ground. I run over to her.

     "Lindsey, what happened?" I say with tears in my eyes.

     "Zach..." She whispers and then her eyes roll to the back of her head. My eyes widen, he's here. I start to shake as I stand up.

     I walk over to where I know Hunter is. I tap him on the shoulder.

    "He got Lindsey, we have to find the others and get out, now." I say and Hunter nods. I start to run over where I know Sara and Nate are. When I hear another gun shot, I turn around and see Hunter. More tears come out of my eyes.

      "Hunter!" I yell and he shakes his head.

     "Go...." He whispers and then he's gone. I keep running and when I get there, Nate and Sara are on the ground, holding hands as there eye's roll to the back of there heads. Even more tears come.

    "Sara!!! Nate!!! No!!" I yell. I run trying to find Luke or Cristian or Nick or Renee.  I run and hit something hard.  I look up and see Cristian, I hug him tight.

     "He got Lindsey, I'm so sorry." I cry. He pulls me in tighter.

     "Megan, it's okay. Now come on, we have to find the others" I nod and I lead the way. We walk to where I think Luke and I were supposed to bumb into each other. I hear something from behind me. I close my eyes and turn around.  I open my eyes and look at the ground to see Cristian.

     "Cristian...." I sob. I turn back around and see Luke.  I hug him. " Please don't leave me." I sob.

     "This is how things are supposed to be, Megan. Now come on, we have to find Renee." Luke says and we start walking. What does he mean this is how things are supposed to be. What that everyone needs to die in my life. I hear a cry and run over to see Renee kneeling down by Hunter's body. I put a hand on her shoulder.

     "Renee, I'm so sorry. We have to go." I say and she stands up. She looks at something behind me and her eyes widen. "Renee what is it?" I say and she points to behind me. I turn around and see Luke on the ground.

     "Luke!!! No, please, no!!" I yell and run to his body.

    "Megan!!!" Renee shouts. I look at her, but its too late. I watch as her body falls to the ground. I close my eyes and cry silently. I feel a hand on my back and turn around.

     "Nick." I whisper and jump into his arms. " You are not leaving me. Do you here me." I say and he nods.

    "I would never leave yo...." He says and then he falls.

     "Nick!!! No!" I cry. I look up and see Zach. "How could you!! I love him, I love him!! How could you do this!!" I yell and look up at him. He holds out his hand.

    "I'm sorry, Princess, but you were too attached. It was just a matter of time before you told them. Now come on, its time to go home." He says. I have no one left, no where else to go, nothing left to loose. I take his hand and we pulls me off the ground. We walk towards the door and walk out. Everything goes black.

    I open my eyes and I'm back in the white room. I look ahead and see the door to the laser tag arena. Where the hell am I? A dream, more like a nightmare.

     I walk into the laser tag arena and once again, I am in Nick's arms. I hold him tight, I can't loose him. I love him, too much.



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