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Megan's P.O.V


I wake up in an empty bed. I get up and run to my room. Matt's gone, actually my entire bed is gone. I can't smell anything and there's no sign of any blood.

I walk into my closet and look threw my clothes. I put on a purple tank top, a black hoodie, and I slip on a pair of black jeans. I walk downstairs and put on my shoes. I find a piece of paper and write

'Going to Nick's after school.'

I put it on the counter, find my back pack on the couch, and walk outside.

I wait for about 20 minutes and then Ross pulls up. I walk to his truck and get in. I buckle up and just look out the window. I hope Austin found Nick. I'll have to tell them about Matt, which they probably won't take well.

"Megan, are you mad at me?" Ross asks.

"No. The only person I'm mad at is Zach." I say.

"What happened yesterday?"

"He had stuff to do so he dropped me off at Nick's. Nick had some friends over and then him and another guy went to go get snacks and only his friend came back. Nick's missing. When I got home I found Matt dead in my bed. Zach made me sleep with him in his bed." I explain as tears stream down my face.

"I'm sorry, Megan." He says and pulls into the school parking lot.

He parks the car and I get out. In an instant I'm surrounded by my friends. All of them asking questions at once. It was like in those movies where you only see there mouths moving, but you don't hear anything. My breathing starts to go crazy again and I feel my head get a little fuzzy. I step back and I step on a rock and fall back. Ross catches me and then all my friends start yelling again.

"You guys need to shut up!" Ross yells at them and they go silent.

"You can't question her like that, she'll have a panic attack. She's been having them lately. Megan doesn't need people bothering her for answers. All you need to know is that Zach had his drinking buddies over, Matt's dead, and Nick's missing. Now, I don't want any of you asking her anymore questions." Ross warns and they all yawn. I get out of Ross' arms and thank him. I look back at my friends and smile.

"You guys Ross is now apart of our group. No buts about it." I say and Mia hugs me. I wince and she let's go.

"The belt?" She asks and I nod. "I can't believe that you have to go through all of this."

"I can believe it." I say. Everyone else hugs me carefully. The bell rings and we all walk towards the door. I walk with Sara to the door.

"Megan!" Someone yells. I turn around and see Austin. I run up to him and he looks worried and sad.

"We found Nick." He stops.

"Where is he?" I ask, but he doesn't answer me. " Austin, where is he?"

"He's in the hospital. We don't know what happened yet, but we'll find out. I'll pick you up after school to see him." Tears flow down my face and I nod.

"Can we go to the warehouse? I'm gonna need you to clean up my back again." I look down and he hugs me.

"Of course. I'll see you in a couple hours." I nod and he let's me go. He walks away and I walk back to Sara. We walk to our lockers and I wipe my tears. We walk into social studies and then the bell rings.

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