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He pulled me in closer by my collar, deepening our kiss. I was mildly uncomfortable since I have no idea where my hands should go. Corbyn was way more experienced than I was. He was a senior for God's sake. I still don't know how I scored a guy like him.

He placed his hand at the back of my thigh, lifting my whole leg so that it could dangle over his waist. My lower region was suddenly extremely close to his. I've never done anything so intimate before.

We lay on our sides on my bed as Corbyn continued to make out with me. I pulled away every few seconds to take breaths because I wasn't used to locking lips, but he was.

Corbyn suddenly slipped his hand under my shirt. I shivered immediately at the touch of his big hand. "Wh-what are you doing?" I mumbled through our kiss. Corbyn got even closer to me, "just relax."

He ran his hand over my chest, feeling my skin. I tried to focus on the kiss, but I couldn't, I was so uncomfortable. "Cor-" before I could finish muttering out his name, he shushed me. "You're doing fine baby." He reassured.

I began to kiss him again, allowing his tongue to enter my mouth even though it was a step too far. I thought we were done feeling up each other, but I was wrong. Corbyn gripped my ass next.

"S-stop!" I whispered. "Zach just-" I shook my head and pulled away. "My parents are home." I widened my eyes at him. "Who cares?" He pulled me back to him, his hands trailing back to the same place.

"Corbyn, you know the rules." The older boy groaned and pulled away once again. "I'm sure they won't even notice." I shook my head at him. "They notice everything." I peeled his hands off me.

"I keep telling you to come to my place, but you always say no." I felt myself get nervous. "My parents won't allow me." Corbyn reached his fingers up to my hair and twirled it with his fingers, while using his other arm to support him up.

"I thought your parents liked me." I avoided his gaze. "They do.... but I mean, y-you're older and-and they think we'll have sex if we're left alone." Corbyn rolled his eyes. "So? That's exactly what gay teenage boys do." "But you're bi." I added. "Not the point."

I had tried to steer him away from that conversation, but it didn't work. "Well, you know my parents Corbyn. No sex before marriage." Corbyn groaned once again. "But you're only sixteen!" "Then I guess I'll be waiting for a long time."

Corbyn was clearly tired of having this conversation with me. We've been dating for months and he still hadn't been able to get his hands on me whatsoever.

"Whatever, at least making out is still allowed." He leaned in once more. "But the door-" before I could finish, he latched his lips onto mine again. I ignored the rules for once and decided to get lost in the moment.

Corbyn was an amazing guy and I was so lucky to have him. My parents liked him because he was smart, but I liked him because he was everything I aspired to be.

Corbyn was athletic, funny, popular and a bad boy. He did whatever he pleased. I was so confused at how he could be so many things at once, but he somehow made it work.

My breath got heavier as I tried to focus on the make out session once again. I was about to get on top of him when the door opened, revealing none other than my mom. "Zachary, you know the rules, no closed doors while Corbyn is here."

My heart stopped for a moment. I thought she was going to have an outrage. She was very serious about her rules. But I guess since Corbyn was here, she didn't want to embarrass me in front of him. I'll get a lecture later.

"Now go set the table. Dinner is ready." I nodded immediately, and pulled away from Corbyn. "Would you like to stay for dinner Corbyn?" My mother asked. "No thank you Mrs. Herron, my mom is expecting me."

I waited for her to leave, but she just stood there. "Can I at least have a private moment to say bye?" She gave me a stern look. "Fine, but if you're not down in two minutes I'm coming back up." I nodded quickly, agreeing to the rules.

Once she finally left, I let out a big sigh. "That was close!" Corbyn laughed at me. "It was fun though, wasn't it? Breaking the rules for once?" He pulled me in by the waist. "I-I guess it was." I shrugged.

Corbyn leaned down to kiss me goodbye. I gave him a long kiss because I knew I'd miss him, sometimes he was my only source of comfort. "Zachary!" I jolted at the sound of my mother's shout from downstairs.

"Coming!" I rolled my eyes. "Okay bye, see you tomorrow." Corbyn pecked my lips once more before I walked him downstairs. Once he left, I set the table and called my siblings down for dinner.

" I would like to speak to you about something important." My heart dropped as I set my cutlery down. Reese's big eyes glowed with curiosity while Ryan looked bored.

What if it was another lecture about sex? I was honestly tired of those. I took in a deep breath, hoping that it had nothing to do with Corbyn and I breaking the rules today.

"Do you guys remember the Frantzich's?" A wave of relief washed over me. That has nothing to do with Corbyn. "You mean that lady you've been best friends with for years?" My mom nodded.

"Well we have some bad news..." I furrowed my eyebrows. This was a weird conversation to be having at the dinner table. Usually we aren't even allowed to speak. My mom hasn't even mentioned her best friend in years.

"They passed away in a car accident." I've only seen the lady a couple of times so I couldn't exactly feel sad over the news. "But do you remember their son, Jonah?" I shook my head at the foreign name.

"I'm sure you do, you've seen him before. When you were four." That was thirteen years ago what does this women expect of me. "I don't recall." I sad quietly. "He wasn't in the car, so he's still alive and well." I nodded awkwardly. "That's great."

"But now the poor boy has no where to stay after his family is all gone." I suddenly began to pay close attention. "Meaning?..." she exchanged a look with my dad. "I've invited him over for a few months."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Zachary, watch your tone." I held myself back and allowed her to go on. "Now you have to understand this boy's situation. Both of his parents are now gone and none of his extended family want to take in a twenty year old boy."

"Twenty? He's Twenty. Why can't he just take care of himself?" My mother gave me a look. "He just lost everything, Zachary. He needs a few months to learn how to manage on his own. He needs someone to feed him, he needs time to adjust to being alone and he needs a roof over his head, he can't afford an apartment."

"What do we have to do with any of this?" I argued back. "His mother was my best friend for twenty five years. I will never forgive myself if anything happens to that boy. She would've taken you guys in if something were to happen to me."

"So what? We're just supposed to let this stranger come sleep on our couch until he's thirty five?" I shot back. "He's not a stranger, he's family. And Jonah won't be sleeping on the couch, he's going to move in to your room."

"What?!" I raised my voice. "Zachary you have the biggest room, it's only fair that way. And plus it's only for a few months, at least until he finds a job and is stable on his own." My siblings watched intently at the heated argument.

"A few months? Yeah right! He'll never leave if someone will be giving him all his needs easily." I smacked my hands down on the table. "You get everything easily Zachary. How is it fair that he lost both of his parents and he has nothing left?"

"Fine, screw that point. But tell me what the hell I'm supposed to tell my boyfriend? How do you think Corbyn will react when a twenty year old boy moves in with me?" My mother shook her head at me.

"Jonah is straight, not to worry. And if you two really have a strong relationship, Corbyn should be able to trust you." I clenched my jaw. "Unbelievable! My whole life I haven't been able to close a door while a boy was in my room and now you're moving one in?!"

"Enough Zachary, we're not asking you for permission, we're informing you. Now go empty some closet space for Jonah." I was about to open my mouth once more, when my dad spoke up, "go, Zachary." I listened. I was scared of him.

I've never written about Zorbyn before but damn it's a whole mood.


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