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The next day, Corbyn called bright and early to ask me out on a double date with Daniel and Jack. Of course I accepted, he didn't really realize that what he did made me sad, but I decided to get over it quickly and move on.

I ignored Jonah the whole morning to avoid the awkwardness. But as soon as I was about to step out of the house, my mom called me. She forced me to take Jonah with me, using the excuse of him being lonely.

During the car ride there, Corbyn ran his hand up and down my thigh teasingly while Jonah sat in the back silently, eyeing us weirdly. I found myself being extra touchy with Corbyn. Maybe I was trying to prove a point to Jonah.

"What do you want your name to be?" Jack asked Daniel while they stood over the machine. "Ouu I know," Daniel began typing. And seconds later, the word "Daddy" was up on the screen.

Jack blushed a deep red before nudging Daniel playfully, while I laughed at them. Jack put his name as "Noodles" and I put my name in as just "Zach."

"Okay, I'll put the rest in." Corbyn said while typing his name. Then he went to write in Jonah's name, but spelt it as "Johna." Jonah rolled his eyes. "That's not how you spell it." Corbyn gave him a fake smile while shrugging, "oh well."

The tension rose from there, and at that point I knew that this was going to be a long game. Daniel went first, getting a strike on his first try. We clapped for me, and he earned a kiss from Jack.

Jack only knocked a few pins down, and used the excuse of the ball being too heavy. Corbyn did better than Jack, but not as well Daniel. And then it was my turn.

I got up nervously and picked up the lightest ball. I swung my arm back and let go. The ball went at a slow pace as I watched it roll. After a few long seconds, it hit two pins down. Well that's embarrassing.

"Zach, try taking a step with the opposite leg than the arm you're throwing with." Jonah advised. I gave him a slight nod while I went to finish off my second hit. "Wait baby, I'll help you."

And as if he couldn't stand Jonah being my help, he just had to involve himself. Corbyn stood behind me, glueing his body to mine even though he knows I don't like getting too touchy in public.

He placed one hand on my hip and the other on top of my hand that was holding the bowling ball. "Just like that babe, step back then swing." His body moved with mine as I swung back, took a step and let go.

As soon as the ball knocked down the remaining pins, I clapped excitedly. "Good job baby!" Corbyn immediately turned me to him and kissed me in front of everyone.

I pulled away quickly, not enjoying the PDA. We walked back to sit so Jonah could have his turn, but I couldn't help but notice the salty look on his face. Turns out I wasn't the only one who didn't enjoy the PDA.

I decided to sit away from Corbyn to avoid any further unwanted touching. While the game went on, I moved closer to Jack. "Hey um... I wanna ask you something." I spoke quietly. "Sure, what is it?"

I bit on my lip nervously, "I'm sorry if this is too personal but like... who's the dominant one?" Jack chuckled at my question. "Daniel is, but we switch it up once in a while." I nodded slowly.

"So like do you uh-give him," I was cringing at my own questions. "Blowjobs?" I whispered, afraid of someone hearing. "Well yeah, all the time." Jack shrugged casually.

"Would you mind giving me some advice?" I murmured under my breath. "Sure, but that's a conversation for another time." I nodded along to what he said quickly.

Once I saw that Corbyn was eyeing him, I decided to go sit back next to him in case he gets mad that I was too close to Jack. As soon as I sat back next to him, he interlaced our fingers.

And that was just Corbyn. He always had to show people that I was his one way or another. "Ha, I'm winning." Daniel bragged. I looked up at the screen to see that he was first, Jonah was second and I was in last place after Jack.

I didn't mind losing, but I was worried about Jonah beating Corbyn. I would never hear the end if it. Corbyn will get so mad, he was always competitive.

"I'm gonna go to the washroom." I let go of Corbyn's hand. Once I was inside the washroom, I texted Jonah and asked him to meet me. A few seconds later, he came.

"Don't you think your boyfriend will get jealous if he catches us together?" He teased. I rolled my eyes, "can you just make yourself lose on purpose? He'll get mad if you beat him."

Jonah laughed at me, "why are you dating such a loser then?" I squinted my eyes at him. "Watch it, he's still my boyfriend and I don't like it when you insult him." Jonah sighed, "fine I'll let him win. We wouldn't want to scratch his gigantic ego."

I was about to walk out when Jonah suddenly pushed me up against the door. He locked it, making my eyes widen. "Jonah what the hell?" I hissed. "Tell me why your boyfriend is so threatened by me."

I tried to get out of his hold, but I couldn't. His hands were on my waist, pinning me to the door. And his face was only inches away from mine. "He's not threatened." I denied. "Yes he is, that's why you're in here begging me to let him win a stupid game."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mumbled. "Yes you do. He's afraid that if he losses this game, he'll lose the game of who gets you in the end." My heart stopped at his words.

"I don't belong to anybody okay? This isn't a game and I don't want to be the prize!" I said angrily. "You might not be a game to me, but you are to him. He's jealous of how close I am to you."

Jonah leaned down to my ear, "he's jealous of his close I was to you last night. Remember Zach? How I had you moaning? You were wrapped around my finger, whereas he's never made you feel like that ever before."

I had enough, without thinking, I angled my knee up and hit him right in the balls. Jonah immediately groaned in pain as he pulled away from me. He clutched his groin area as he shut his eyes in pain. "We had a deal Jonah, you said you wouldn't mention last night." And with that, I walked out.

I blasted Talk in the car today and my dad was actually dancing to it😂


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