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"Zach, it's time for school." I fluttered my eyes open to the sound of Jonah's warm voice. I was surprised to see him laying in my bed with me, his face only inches away.

"When did you get in my bed?" I mumbled sleepily. "Sometime in the middle of the night, I'm not sure." I gave him a soft smile as he pulled me closer to him.

Jonah leaned in and began kissing me. "How about—" he kissed me some more, "You ditch school and spend the day with me?" I hummed into the kiss. "I wish," I pouted. "But I have a math quiz."

Jonah sighed and ran his fingers through my hair. "Okay, fine. But as soon as you come back, you're gonna spend the rest of the day with me." I nodded eagerly. "Sounds perfect."

I pecked him one more time before I rolled out of bed. I immediately regretted my actions because the warmness was nice. "So do you have any plans?" I asked Jonah as I tried to look for an outfit to put on.

Jonah appeared next to me in the closet. "Actually, I was thinking I'd go look for a job." I paused. My hands no longer fiddled with the hangers, they dropped to my sides. "A-a job?"

"Yeah, I think it's about time to get myself back on track. I need to save up some money so I can go back to school." As selfish as it sounds, I wish he doesn't find a job. If Jonah starts becoming independent, he might move out, and I can't have that happen.

"Do you think I should work at the mall or a coffee shop?" I avoided his eyes because I didn't want him to see how unhappy I was with his new decision. "Uh- Well you love coffee, so...." Jonah smiled at me. "I'll drop off my resume then."

But before he existed the closet, he picked out a blue shirt and handed it to me. "Wear this, this shade of blue looks good on you." And with that, he left me alone with my anxious thoughts.

At school, I spent the majority of my time with Jack and Daniel. They were Corbyn's friends first, but now that we broke up and they're mad at him, they chose me. I felt like I was third wheeling the whole time, but I didn't mind. It just means there is more time for me to be left alone with my thoughts about Jonah.

I gently tapped my fingers on the wooden table. Jack and Daniel's voices were faint in the background. I wasn't paying attention, but I think they were talking about hooking up in the washroom during fifth period.

"Can I talk to you?" My eyes shot right up at the sound of his voice. It was Corbyn. Daniel and Jack immediately rushed to get up, "all of you, actually." Corbyn added.

Daniel continued to stand up, his straight face on, but Jack grabbed onto him. They exchanged a look, and Daniel sat back down and let out an angry sigh. Daniel was the nicest person ever, but when it came to Jack, he could turn into your worst nightmare.

I remained quiet, unsure of what to say. Corbyn seemed sad, I could tell by his appearance. A part of me got excited, and I couldn't help it. I was wishing for a grand gesture deep down yesterday, and this could be it.

"I want to apologize, to all of you." Corbyn said quietly, avoiding our gazes. "I'm sorry I accused you of cheating." He looked at me, his eyes red from crying. "And I'm sorry I didn't have trust in you guys, and for doubting my relationship," he looked at Daniel, "and yours."

"You guys are my best friends and Zach, you're—you were my boyfriend. You know that I get jealous way too quickly. I just get in my own head and twist things until I make myself seem so bad that I assure myself people are doing the worst because I'm not good enough."

"If anything, I wasn't just jealous of Jack and Zach being close, I was jealous of your relationship." He pointed his attention to Jack and Daniel. "You two are the perfect duo. You've been together for years, you're happy, you just— you have it all, and I'm so jealous. What Zach and I had was great, and I know I ruined it, but I've always wanted us to be like you guys."

"I promise I'm going to work on myself. I'm going to control my jealousy, and stop jumping to conclusions." Corbyn looked like he was about to break down. "So please... forgive me."

"Okay," Daniel nodded. Jack gave Corbyn a small smile, and then all eyes were on me. I was the deciding factor. "Please baby, I want you back."

I sighed, and without thinking I smiled. Corbyn immediately pulled me in for a kiss. And when we pulled away, I realized. I still had Jonah waiting for me at home. And I just let Corbyn manipulate me all over again, just like he always does.

Guess who's back bitches!!! BUT expect shorter chapters and slower updates. Also, new book Sunflower, Donah.


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