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"Okay, wake me up if you need anything." I told him as I pulled the covers over me. "Thanks Zach," he paused and glanced at me, as if he said something wrong. "It's okay if I call you that right?" I shrugged. "That's what everyone calls me. My parents only use my full name to annoy me."

"Well then, goodnight Zach." He tried out my name once more. "Night Jonah." I turned off the lamp that we shared on our nightstand. It felt weird to suddenly have someone to say goodnight to.

I lay in my bed for a few minutes silently as I stared at the ceiling. I listened to the sound of his steady breath as he tried to drift off to sleep. I found listening to his breath soothing, and that's how I fell asleep.

Hours later, I was pulled out of my deep trance. I was a very light sleeper and I could hear the quietest of things while they went on. My back was facing Jonah, so he couldn't see that I had my eyes open, but he was awake too.

I felt a pang in my heart as I heard his soft cries. Jonah's sniffles had woken me up. I thought I would be mad at Jonah for invading my privacy, for annoying me. But all I felt was pity.

I didn't know what to do, so I just lay there and listened to him cry during the night for hours. He probably was crying over his parents. I was sure he felt lonely and he missed them.

I don't know why, but I pretended like I was still asleep. Comforting felt weird since we just met yesterday. He was also crying during the night for a reason, he didn't want me to hear. I didn't want to embarrass him.

Once the light finally hit my face, signalling that it was morning, I fluttered my eyes open. I immediately searched for Jonah. He wasn't there. His spot was empty and his bed was neatly made.

I lazily got out of bed, ready to have a lazy Saturday to myself. I used the washroom and headed downstairs in my pyjamas. Everyone was already awake, typical me, always waking up last.

My father sat on the island, drinking his morning coffee while reading the newspaper like every day. My brother was in the living room, catching up on his video games before breakfast. My mother was cooking breakfast and Jonah was in the backyard with Reese.

I slid the backyard door open to see what they were up to. "Hey," I caught their attention. Reese was sliding down the slide while Jonah was sitting on one of the swings that we had in our backyard. "Morning."

I sat on the other swing, "Did you sleep okay?" I asked him. Jonah nodded, "Yep." I gave him a slight nod back as I remembered him crying the night before. He didn't sound okay.

"Kids, time for breakfast!" My mother called out into the yard. I got up and led the way as Reese and Jonah followed me. We quickly washed our hands and sat around the table. I noticed that they had added an extra chair next to mine, a place for Jonah.

"So does anyone have any plans for today?" My mother asked. "We should go grocery shopping." My father told her. "Yes, we will." She nodded. "Can I go over to Grayson's?" Ryan asked. My mother approved.

"Can Corbyn come over?" I piped up. "Sure, it'll be a great opportunity for him to meet Jonah." What kind of dumbass am I? They will
For sure not like each other. "Sorry, who's Corbyn?" Jonah spoke up.

I was about to answer before Ryan beat me to it, "He's Zach's boyfriend." Ryan teased like a little kid. I gave him a look. Jonah remained silent. "Invite Jack and Daniel too." My mother said.

After breakfast, my parents left to shop and took Reese along. Ryan also left for his friend's house, leaving Jonah and I alone. I immediately texted Corbyn and asked him to come over. I barely knew Jonah and even though he sleeps in the same room as me, I didn't want to be alone with him.

He told me that he was going to take a shower, making me internally celebrate since now Corbyn and I can have the whole house to ourselves. My boyfriend arrived shortly after.

"Hey babe," he winked at me. I wasted no time, I immediately jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist. "No one's home," I whispered in his ear, smirking.

Corbyn commenced our make out session. "Wait," he pulled away. "I thought that guy moved in?" I nodded nervously. "Yeah but he's in the shower." I grabbed his face. "Now kiss me."

Corbyn walked us over to the couch and fell on to it. I was obviously the bottom as he crawled over me. His lips moulded with mine at every chance they got. I tugged at Corbyn's hair during the process, knowing that it turned him on.

He quickly pulled away from me and repositioned his lips so that they met with my neck. I shut my eyes and arched my back off the couch as he found my sweet spot with ease, having memorized that area from previous times.

Corbyn nibbled on my skin, making me release a small hum of appreciation. He then slipped his hand under my shirt. And I was going to allow him to take it off this time, but we were interrupted by Jonah clearing his throat.

Corbyn unlatched himself from me casually and glanced behind him at Jonah. I could already tell that he despised him. "Um babe... that's Jonah." I sat up and fixed my shirt. "And Jonah, this is my boyfriend Corbyn."

"Hey," Jonah acknowledged him. "Yeah, hey." Corbyn replied back dryly. The air was already tense and awkward, but thank god the doorbell rang. I let out a sigh of relief as I got up to open it.

"Hey guys," I greeted Daniel and Jack and invited them in. The couple immediately noticed the new face. "Oh right, this is Jonah, a family friend." I introduced. "Hey I'm Daniel," Daniel greeted him with a big smile. "And I'm Jack."

After Jonah greeted them, he turned to me. "Zach I think I'm going to explore a little." I nodded immediately, wanting him out of Corbyn's way as fast as possible. "What? No!" Daniel budded in.

I turned to Daniel and gave him a glare. "Stay and hang with us, we want to get to know you." And that was just Daniel's nature. He was always too nice and welcoming. "Okay then." Jonah agreed.

"Let's play some video games." Jack suggested as he went over to where I kept my controllers. Daniel followed his boyfriend and Jonah took a seat on the couch facing the tv.

I went over to Corbyn and sat next to him. He was being too quiet which worried me. That usually meant that he was mad at something. I cuddled into him and kissed his neck, making him feel like he was still in control since I was his and Jonah was nothing but the new guy.

My sister says she doesn't like Why Don't We but then she has the audacity to blast Made For in the shower yesterday. I asked her who's lane she's in and she's like "Jonah" but then she lowkey always calls Corbyn hot sooo??? STAY IN YO LANE. K bye.


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