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"Kids, time for dinner!" I rolled my eyes and looked over at Jonah. "I hate it when she does that. It makes us sound like we're brothers." Jonah exchanged a look with me. Then we both shuddered.

I skipped down the stairs while Jonah followed closely behind. We took our usual seats around the table. I liked how Jonah always sat across from me. So whenever I got bored, I could just stare at him.

"So Zachary, what are your plans for your birthday?" My mother started up a conversation. "I don't really know..." I shrugged. I was only turning 17, I wasn't very excited. It's not exactly a milestone.

"Well we'll get you a cake anyways and you can decide how you'd like to spend your day." I nodded. "Okay, I'll probably just hangout with Jonah. Maybe we can go to the movies or something."

My mother smiled. "Oh I just love how close you boys have gotten!" Closer than you think. "We're finally a complete family. I'm so glad you get an older brother figure in your life."

I tried my best to hold back my gag. I don't mean to be rude, but how would my mother like it if she found out that I just lost my virginity to my "brother figure" on prom night.

"Anyways," I changed the subject. "School is almost out, I was thinking I would get a summer job." My dad nodded. "That's a great idea. Maybe you can work in the coffee shop with Jonah."

Jonah perked up. "Yeah, that would be fun." He nodded. I gave him a look. I could basically just read his mind. If we worked together, it's just going to consist of hook ups in the washroom without any actual work being done.

I ate my food in silence after that. My brother and sister ranted about their days, but I soon lost interest. I glanced up at Jonah, only to see that he was bored too. I suddenly got a fun idea.

Luckily, I was already bare foot. I slowly extended my foot until I felt Jonah's. He immediately looked up, knowing that it was me. He gave me a confused look, and I gave him an innocent one in return.

I slowly ran my toes over his feet, then up to his ankles and knees. Jonah cleared his throat and sat up a little. I smirked to myself. I loved teasing him.

My family was oblivious to the situation. They went about their boring conversations. I sneakily curved my foot inwards, making contact with his thigh.

Jonah widened his eyes at me. He was clearly signalling for me to stop, but I didn't. Instead, I went up higher and higher. My toes tickled up his legs until they hit the jackpot.

To my surprise, he was already turned on. Wow that took way less than I thought. I was also surprised at how I was stretching my foot like that.

I grazed my foot over his erection teasingly. I smirked as Jonah took a fistful of the tablecloth. I could tell that he was holding back from letting out a single peep.

I continued to press down. And slowly, my hard on grew with his. Soon enough, Jonah couldn't take it anymore. He pretended like he dropped his fork, and while he was going down to retrieve it, he unbuttoned his pants.

Under the tablecloth, he pulled it out. I bit my lip discreetly at him as I began to run my foot over his shaft. Jonah clenched his jaw at the touch.

I circled my toes around his tip teasingly. Jonah took in a few deep breaths. I was loving how flustered I was making him. But truth is, I was so horny myself that I wish I could just wipe all the dishes off the table and have him take me right then and there.

"Reese, time for bed." My mother announced. I was so distracted by playing footsies with Jonah that I didn't realize everyone was finished eating.

My mother stood up and began to clear the plates. I immediately went into panic mode. How were we supposed to stand up when I had an erection and Jonah's dick was fully out under the table?

"We'll clean the table tonight Mrs. Herron." Jonah blurted quickly. "Oh really boys? I'm so impressed!" I jumped on board. "Yup, don't worry about it mom." She gave us approving smiles.

Soon, they all filed out one by one. And as soon as the dining room was empty, I finally let out a breath. Jonah immediately stood up, tucked himself back in and buttoned his pants.

"But you're not even done yet." I teased with a pout. "Do you know how dangerous that was?" Jonah hissed in a whisper. "So you're saying you didn't like it?"

I stood up and went around the table to him. "Are you fucking kidding me? I loved how sexy that was, but we could've been caught!" His eyes widened. "But we didn't." I remarked.

I leaned in and connected our lips. I palmed Jonah through his jeans, feeling him. "Zach!" He pulled away. "Are you crazy?" He warned. I sighed in frustration.

"Fine then. You stay here and clean. I have a problem I need to take care of." I began to walk away. "Don't you dare go touch yourself! Zach, I'm the only one who's allowed—" I chuckled to myself as I entered the washroom.

Update brought to you in honour of Corbyn's 20th birthday!


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