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As soon as my mother ungrounded me, I fled. I had told my parents that I was going to Daniel's house to study. Jonah told me he'd cover for me, while I went to Corbyn's.

Corbyn came over a few times during the week in hopes of seeing me, but my mother denied him entrance. As soon as I got my phone back, I texted him that I was coming over.

He was surprised. Going over to his house was breaking the rules, but at this point, I no longer cared. Nothing that I ever do pleases them. I was done being innocent. I don't want to be the 'good boy' my mother wants me to be.

I knocked on his door impatiently, having missed my boyfriend after a long week with no affection. Corbyn opened the door, his hair a little messy, which I adored about him. Even when he's not trying he looks hot.

"Hey babe," he pulled me inside and quickly landed his lips on mine. I kissed him deeply. "Gosh, I've missed you." I sighed once we pulled away. "Me too."

Corbyn held my hand and led me up to his room. "Where are your parents?" I wondered. "Not home." He looked back I at me and gave me a smirk. I gulped. I'm going way too far.

"A-Ashley?" I stuttered. "Shopping." He mumbled quickly. "So we're alone?" I asked a rhetorical question. "That's right." Corbyn turned to me and held me by the waist.

"What do you wanna do?" He smiled at me. I glanced at his lips briefly, sending the message before I looked back up to his eyes. "Take advantage of the opportunity."

Corbyn and I stumbled backwards into his room and onto his bed, his lips attached to mine the whole time. He kissed me hungrily and I craved his touch the more he went on.

We lay side ways, but Corbyn leaned over me slightly. He was always the dominant one and it didn't make me feel like less of a man, I loved it.

Corbyn bit my lip as we kissed, making me hitch my breath at the back of my throat. He knew damn well how to turn me on. I ran my hand through his hair at the nip of his neck.

We pulled away after a few heated minutes, panting. "Off." Corbyn's eyes darkened with lust as he tugged at my shirt. I obeyed, and got rid of my shirt quickly.

I felt exposed immediately as the air hit my exposed chest. I've never been shirtless in front of a guy before, let alone my boyfriend. Corbyn's eyes skipped around my torso, taking in the sight before he licked his lips.

He gave me a small wink, alongside a smirk while taking his shirt off too. I tried to not stare, but I failed miserably. I almost moaned at the sight of him shirtless.

"Touch me Corbyn, please. I want your hands all over me." I didn't know what came over me, but I soon forgot all the rules and was ready to break some of them.

Corbyn pushed me back onto the bed once again. He attacked my chest as he peppered it with hickeys. I was going to lose every last string of control I had.

His mouth explored every inch of my body. It sucked on the skin on my neck, it licked up my chest and swirled around my nipples. Without a doubt, I surely had been aroused by now.

I stopped thinking. I let my hand wander down as he continued to make out with me. Once I reached the hem of his sweatpants, I slipped my hand in.

Corbyn was surprised at my action, he even let out a grunt, but he allowed it to happen. I palmed him through his tight boxers. Corbyn immediately pulled away from the kiss and looked at me.

His chest was rising and falling heavily, as was mine. "You sure?" He asked out of breath. "Yes." I nodded. Corbyn sat up and got rid of his sweatpants and boxers in one motion.

The heat immediately rose to my cheeks at the sight. I gulped as I straddled his legs. I wasn't a complete rookie, I knew somethings. But that knowledge all came from movies, mature books, sketchy websites online and from touching myself.

Corbyn had already formed a hard on. I took in a deep breath before I placed my thumb over his tip. I spread whatever substance that was there to help the situation, but it wasn't enough.

I had no other choice but to use my mouth. I bent down and slowly placed his tip in my mouth. Corbyn locked his eyes with mine as I entered him into my mouth.

Not even half way in, and I gagged. "You're doing great baby." He assured, not wanting me to stop even though we both knew I had no idea what the hell I was doing.

I began to gradually increase my speed, but not insert him fully. "Ow!" Corbyn winced, I pulled him out. "Oh my god are you okay?" I asked in a panicked tone. "Fine, babe. It's just your teeth are getting in the way."

I couldn't fucking believe myself. The first time I suck dick I begin to gag and hurt my boyfriend with my teeth. That's it. I will never be able to get sexual with anyone.

I kept going, trying my best to not let my teeth graze over his member, but I failed. Corbyn wasn't enjoying it, I was bothering him. "I'm so fucking bad at this." I murmured to myself.

"Hey, maybe we should just-" Corbyn sat up and itched the back of his neck. "Cuddle?" He finished. His words made me feel like someone had just punched me in the stomach.

"No, I-I... maybe if you go first and teach me?" I tried to reason with him. Corbyn retrieved his boxers and slipped them back on. "It's okay baby, you're not ready."

As I laid in Corbyn's arms, I was about to cry out of humiliation. My boyfriend would rather cuddle than get a blow job. That's how bad I was.

"But you still have a boner." I mumbled into his chest, my voice small. "It'll go away." He patted my back and kissed my forehead. That was supposed to make me feel better, but it didn't.

They played Hooked at this bubble tea place today and my best friend and I fangirled so hard wow.


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