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"Hey babe," Corbyn wrapped his arm around my waist from behind. I smiled at the sound of his voice. "Hey." I nuzzled into his grip for a second before I went back to organizing my books in my locker.

Corbyn kissed the back of my neck, making me shiver. His lips left a trail all over my neck. "Corbyn stop. You know I don't like PDA." I tried to shrug him off me but he didn't budge.

"But I missed you." He mumbled into my neck. I sighed. We only get to see each other in the mornings, lunch, and after school because we have different classes. "You were laying in my bed just yesterday." I reminded him. "Well I can't get enough of you."

I finally closed my locker and turned to him. He gave me a sexy smile before he lightly pushed on my chest, making my back meet with the lockers. "Just one kiss?" He begged.

I gave in, as I always do because I can never resist his icy blue eyes. Corbyn kissed me softly, making me melt. We were in the middle of our kiss when none other than the Daniel Seavey interrupted, "get a room."

I jolted away from Corbyn. I hated it when people caught us. "Saids the one who always has his hand down Jack's pants under the table." Corbyn shot back, shutting him right up. "Why you gotta expose me like that?" Daniel chuckled.

Seconds later, his curly haired boyfriend appeared as well. Daniel and Jack had been dating since the summer before high school. I met them through Corbyn, since they were seniors as well and are his best friends.

Jack interlaced their fingers as they reached us. They were always clung on to each other. They've planned out their futures and linked their lives forever. I admired their relationship, they had it all.

"So where should we go this weekend?" Jack asked. I remained quiet as Corbyn spoke, I always allowed him to make the decisions for me. "Maybe the beach? The weather's nice."

As Daniel and Jack agreed to the idea, my mind landed on Jonah. He was going to move in tomorrow and I still hadn't told Corbyn yet. I was afraid of how he was going to react. I can't leave the house this weekend because I'm supposed to help him settle in.

"I actually... I can't go out this weekend." Corbyn gave me a questioning look. "Why?" I didn't want to have the "There's a twenty year old boy moving in with me" conversation while Daniel and Jack were here.

"Can I talk to you in private?" I murmured to him quietly while I wrapped my hand around his arm. Corbyn gave me a worried look. He's always cared way too much. "Sure baby."

"Okay then, we'll see you later." Daniel said. "Bye." Corbyn waved as they walked off together, hand in hand. "What is it Zach?" I gulped. "Let's go outside."

Once we were outside, we sat on the same bench that we shared our first kiss on. "Is everything okay? I'm starting to get worried." I placed my hand on his thigh. "It's nothing serious."

Corbyn placed his hand on top of mine, signalling for me to go on. "So um... my mother's best friend passed away." His eyes softened. "I'm sorry to hear that." I gave him a slight nod.

"Sh-she has a son that's now an orphan. And my mom, she invited him... to live with us." Corbyn began to get suspicious as to where this conversation was going. "And um.. for a few months he's going to move in.... with me."

Corbyn clenched his jaw for a moment. "How old is he?" He asked with a straight face. "Tw-twenty." I squeaked out. "I can't believe this." He rolled his eyes and leaned back while folding his arms.

"I swear to you he's straight and he'll only stay a few months." Corbyn shook his head at me. "He's going to invade our privacy Zach. Now we can't spend any time together in your room alone."

"Yes we can. It's still my room, I'll just ask him to spend his time elsewhere while you're over." Corbyn sighed. "Okay, but don't change in front of him." I nodded. "Of course I won't baby."

Corbyn was on some next level of protection. He hated it when other people look at me, touch me or even breathe near me. Whenever we join sports teams together he makes me change in the washroom. He doesn't realize that not everyone is gay. He strongly believes that I am his and only his.

"Zachary, are you done? He's almost here!" My mother shouted from downstairs. "Yes, mother!" I replied. I angrily shoved my clothes into the only three drawers that are now mine. I can't believe that I have to give up my space for him.

Once I walked back out into my room, my eyes fell on the new bed that my dad had just built for him. I rolled my eyes, my space was being invaded. His bed and mine were now only separated by a night stand.

I had to hide my old embarrassing baby pictures and the magazine of hot men that I used to keep under my bed. I could now do absolutely nothing private in my own room. He's just going to be sitting there creeping on me.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by the door bell. He's here. I immediately walked down the stairs, ready to put a face to the name of the man who was about to ruin my life.

A tall brunette boy with sad greyish, blue eyes walked through the door. My mother gave him a hug, and he hugged back. It seemed like he enjoyed the comfort. My heart instantly broke for him once I realized the sadness behind his eyes.

"Zachary, this is Jonah." I gave him a light smile. I was very shy when it comes to meeting new people. He looked at me for a few seconds before he said hello to me. The way he looked at me made me feel like as if he's known me for years, as if he's seen me more than that one time when I was 4 and he was 8.

"Zachary, take Jonah's bag upstairs for him." I nodded and took his small suitcase. He didn't have manny belongings, which was a great thing because now I can have half of my space back.

I struggled as I dragged it up the stairs. I was very weak and skinny for my age. "Here, I got it." Jonah appeared behind me, his deep voice filling up my ears. I flushed in embarrassment as he carried the suitcase up the stairs with one hand as if it's nothing.

"This way," I led to him my room, now referred to as 'our room.' "That's your bed, the closet is right there and the washroom is through there." I pointed at the different parts quickly. Jonah nodded in response, setting his suitcase at the foot of his bed.

He then glanced at me awkwardly. What now? "So um... do you snore?" Jonah blinked at my weird question. "No." I nodded at him slowly in return before I walked out of the room to allow him some time to settle in.

Look at me updating two days in a row, WHO AM I? Since it's summer, I now can focus everything on my writing. I've said this before, Corbyn gets no appreciation and that's why I'm writing a book for him. Go check it out, it's called "Chasing After Charming."


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