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I was about to text Corbyn to ask him if we could go out somewhere alone, when Jonah interrupted. He obnoxiously walked out of the shower, singing something quite loudly. He had a nice voice, but he bothered me.

My eyes were glued to him as he walked over to the closet. He had nothing on besides the towel wrapped loosely around his waist. I didn't realize it, but I was staring.

His back muscles were flexed. Droplets of water ran down his skin, making him glimmer in the soft sunlight coming through the window. I bit my lip, not being able to resist him.

"If your boyfriend caught you staring at me while I'm half naked, he wouldn't be happy." Jonah said teasingly. Even with his back facing me, he knew I was staring. Creep. "I-I'm not staring! You're so annoying." I got up to leave.

I would rather stay and watch him change, but I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of teasing me. And so I walked down the stairs lazily.

Once I entered the living room, I saw my whole family ready to leave. "Where are you guys going?" I asked. Nobody told me we were going out. "Reese and Ryan have been doing so well in school, so we're taking them out to the toy store."

I watched as Reese stuck her tongue out at me, in efforts of making me jealous. "Can I come?" I asked in a small voice. "No Zachary, your recent math grades don't make you eligible." I frowned.

"Can Corbyn come over?" I shouted after them as they headed out the door. "Not when you're home alone." My mother said sternly. "But Jonah's here!" I fought back. "I don't think that will stop you from doing something inappropriate." And with that, she shut the car door and drove off.

I locked the front door and flopped on the couch, turning on the tv in the process. Seconds later, Jonah came down the stairs, now dressed. "Where is everybody?" He looked around the empty house.

"They went to the toy store." I pouted. Jonah sat on the couch next to me, making sure to keep a good distance between us. "Let me guess, they didn't take you because you're the least favourite child."

I was ready to punch him. He was so hot, but such a dick at times. He was nice at first, but now he's developed this whole new edgy side to him that turns me on, but pisses me off. "No, it's because of my math mark."

Jonah tried to suffocate in his laugh, but he couldn't. He burst out into laughter. "You bitch!" I threw a pillow at him. Jonah dodged it with ease, making me ten times more aggravated.

The room then fell silent. We both stared at the tv, but I couldn't help but look at Jonah from the corner of my eye every now and then. "Stop looking at me Zach. I know you think it's not obvious, but I can tell."

I gulped back the embarrassment quickly. "How would you know I was looking at you if you weren't looking back?" I argued back. Jonah shook his head with another amused smile, before he crossed his arms.

"So why didn't you invite that boyfriend of yours over?" He mumbled in an uninterested tone. "He has a name, it's Corbyn. Stop calling him boyfriend." I sassed. "And plus my mom said no."

I pulled my knees up to my chest. "Why? Is she afraid you guys are gonna fuck? Because all Corbyn wants to do is cuddle." My jaw dropped to the floor at his hurtful comment.

"I trusted you with my secrets Jonah. Why would you hit me right in my soft spot?" I said angrily. He did nothing but roll his eyes at me. "You asshole!" I spat. "Dumbass." He shot at me.

"Dick!" I went on. "I know you want it." He smirked. I gasped. "I fucking have a boyfriend how dare you say that to me?" I leaped at him and began smacking him.

I seemed to not have an effect on him, since all he did was laugh while I tried to punch his chest. "Is this supposed to hurt?" He asked teasingly. "Of course it doesn't hurt you!"

I smacked him even more, "You bitch! You think you're all strong? You and your six feet tall hunky body, with muscles and abs and that stupid good looking face of yours!" I hit him angrily.

Once we both realized what I said, I stopped. My chest was rising and falling heavily after hitting him repeatedly. I stared at him, my breath still short. "What's my stupid good looking face got to do with me being strong?" He smirked at me.

"N-nothing, I-I didn't say that." I panted. "Yes you did." He argued. "No I didn't!" I defended. "Admit it." He looked at me daringly. "Fine," I squinted at him. I straddled him, and held his eye contact.

"I admit that I think you're hot, I admit you have a good looking face, I admit my attraction. But that's all it is." Now it was my turn to smirk at him. I awaited his reaction.

Without a single warning, Jonah grabbed my face roughly and smashed my lips on his. I was surprised, that was the last thing I expected from a guy who's not gay.

I don't know what came over me, but I melted into the kiss. My lips slowly moved against his, and surprisingly, it felt good. I slowly began to be blinded by the feeling, and so I let myself go.

Jonah deepened our kiss, and grabbed my by the waist. I angled my head far to the right to be able to meet his lips perfectly. The kiss began to get more and more heated, my breath increased and my heart beat faster.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth, and I let him. His tongue dove right into the warm cave of my mouth, exploring every centimetre of it. I didn't bother pulling away for a breath, even though I deeply needed one.

Instead, I bit on his lip, and tugged away at it before I let go. We latched our lips on to one another's once again, and this time, he was about to pull my shirt off when reality finally hit.

I pulled away in shock. I took in a deep breath as I stared at his swollen, red lips. Jonah stared back at me, and he wanted to pull me back to him, but I got up.

My thoughts were in knots, I couldn't think straight. "What the fuck did I just do?" I asked myself in shock. "No, no, no!" I murmured before I broke off into a sprint. "Zach wait!"

Jonah ran after me as I stumbled up the stairs quickly. I entered our room and slammed the door and locked it. He immediately began to knock. "Zach, please just open the door!"

The thoughts in my head clouded over Jonah's voice, making it hard to hear. I slowly slid down the door, my hands in my hair. What did I just do? Zach Herron was never a cheater, until now.

When do you guys want that Jorbyn book?


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