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For days, all I could think about was the breakup. I don't know why I was so hung up on him. But after all, it was my first relationship and it was going to be hard to forget the times I spent with Corbyn.

"Are you okay?" Jonah's soft voice took me out of my trance. "Uh-Yeah, I am." I gave him a small nod. The house was completely quiet, aside from the small sound that came from the tv. Yet again, my parents took out my younger siblings and left me and Jonah behind.

Jonah came closer to me. "No you're not." He shook his head. I didn't know what to say. He was right. I've lived with him for over a month now and he knows me well. "Stop thinking about him."

I stayed silent, my eyes fixed on the carpet. Jonah's hand trailed to my thigh and he rubbed it soothingly. I quickly tensed up, the last time he did this it didn't end where I thought it would.

"You're better off without him." His voice got quieter with every sentence. He did it on purpose, knowing damn well that he sounded sexier. He loved to tease me.

"How about I get your mind off him?" He asked, his voice seductive. "H-how?" I let out a shaky breath as he got closer. "By showing you what a real man can do."

I needed a second to comprehend what he meant, but he went straight for it. His lips made contact with my neck. I didn't know if I wanted to ask him to stop or go on. So I let him continue, to try and figure out how he really made me feel.

But while his mouth was sucking on my neck, I couldn't even think straight. I shut my eyes slowly and relaxed back into the couch. I don't know why he had that effect on me, but he made me crave him all the time.

"St-stop!" I murmured. "Why?" Jonah pulled away. "Didn't it work? Didn't you forget him?" His big blue eyes bore into mine. "It did, and that scares me. This is moving too fast."

Jonah sighed as he moved away. "Let's just do something else." I cleared the air. "Okay," Jonah shrugged. "I wanna play hide and seek." I mumbled like a little kid. "You wanna do what?"

I stood up. "I just want to feel like a kid again, my mind's all twisted." I offered him my hand. "Come play with me?" Jonah glanced at my hand. He let out another sigh before he took it and stood up.

"You're it! Count to fifty then come find me." An amused smile slowly crept onto Jonah's face. As soon as he closed his eyes, I made a run for it. "1 2 3..." his voice faded as I ran up the stairs.

Whenever I used to play hide and seek with my siblings, I always hid in my closet. So that's exactly where I went. Luckily, Jonah didn't know about my signature spot.

I left the lights off and took a seat in the corner of my closet. I didn't know if Jonah had started looking, I couldn't hear anything so all I did was sit there quietly, my knees pulled up to my chest.

I couldn't help my mind from wandering back to Corbyn. I wonder if he was as sad as I was. Truth is, I already miss him. A part of me wanted him to call, text, or show up and do a huge gesture to get me back. But the other part, wanted me to forget about him and fall for Jonah instead.

I put my head down in my lap as my mind replayed all the memories I had with him. Corbyn was my first everything. I still remember how excited I got when my parents finally allowed me to date him.

The memories stirred in circles, from our first hug to our first kiss, to the first time he held my hand. Then to our first date, our first valentine's day together and to the first time I cried in his arms.


"So like... have you been kissed before?" Corbyn asked as he fiddled with my fingers. My eyes wandered from my hands in his lap, to his eyes, and finally to his lips. "No," I shook my head.

He nodded awkwardly as he glanced around him, while we sat on the bench right outside of school. I got distracted by a pigeon near by, and out of nowhere, I felt him grab my chin. Corbyn turned my face towards him and gave me a quick peck. I blushed when he gave me a small smile right after.

End of flashback.

I felt the tear drizzle down my left cheek. I couldn't help it anymore. I've been avoiding my feelings for the past few days. Even if I was the one who ended things, I was still hurting.

I continued to cry silently in the corner. Jonah still hasn't found me yet. And by now, I was regretting this whole idea. Why the hell would a sixteen year old boy want to play hide and seek?

Suddenly, the door opened. Jonah wouldn't have seen me, but my sniffle gave my hiding spot away. "Zach?" His voice softened once he saw the state I was in.

"Hey," he sat beside me. "What's wrong?" He wiped my tears for me. "I-im sorry." I said through my tears. "I thought this would help, but clearly, leaving me with my thoughts was a bad idea."

"Look at me," Jonah took my hands in his. I let my eyes meet with his in the dark. "You're going to be fine. It's your first break up, and it's going to hurt, but it will fade eventually. You've been with him for so long, and you feel like you're depended on him. You're not, you're going to be okay on your own.... or with me, if you'd like that."

His words did calm me. I let out a deep breath as my tears stopped flowing. "Jonah?" He nodded for me to go on. "I'd like that." I whispered. His face brightened up at my words.

"Now, can you kiss me?" I asked quietly. Jonah placed his hand at the side of my face and set his lips on mine. I don't know how, but everything felt better every time he kissed me.

I laid in my bed at midnight, staring at the ceiling blankly. Jonah was awake too, because his breathing wasn't steady like it sounded when he was asleep. "Jonah?" I said quietly. He hummed in response, signalling he's listening.

"I thought you said you were straight." A wave of silence washed over us. "I guess I'm not." I turned on my side to face him, and he did too. "So you like girls and boys?..." I wondered. He thought about it for a second. "I guess I'm bisexual then."

How long should I make this book? And I swear if some says like thirty chapters I will chase after you with a pitch fork.


𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 ━ ZONAH AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now