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I entered the house, my hand in Corbyn's. I heard someone running down the stairs. "Zach you're never gonna guess wha—" as soon as Jonah's eyes landed on our linked fingers, he stopped.

So many emotions danced across his face until he settled on one. Anger. And just like that, he stormed back up the stairs and slammed the door. "What's with him?" Corbyn asked with an edge to his voice. "I guess he just doesn't like you."

"Like I give a fuck." Corbyn scoffed. "Anyways, are your parents around?" He asked. I shook my head. "Good, then we have time for this—" he picked me up by surprise, and connected our lips.

My mind remained with Jonah. Does he really like me so much that he got mad after seeing me with Corbyn? I didn't think things were that serious between us. They were supposed to be just a few lustful kisses. And yet it seems as if Jonah is already attached.

I tired to clear my thoughts by focusing on the make out session. Corbyn hasn't had his hands on me for days, and while I had Jonah, he had no action. He was aching for my touch.

Corbyn set me down on the couch and dived over me, getting back to the kiss. I wrapped my hands around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. He told me that turned him on once.

He hummed into the kiss as I inserted my tongue into his mouth. Corbyn gladly played along, launching his tongue back at me. I pulled away from him for a second, having lost my breath.

"I've missed this." Corbyn confessed. "Me too," I nodded eagerly and pulled him back to me. The truth is, I couldn't choose. I wanted them both and no matter how bad that sounds, it's the truth.

Hours passed, my parents came home and Jonah was still locked up in our room. I knew that I should go up and sort things out with him, but I was afraid. He was going to tell me to choose.

I took a deep breath as every step up the stairs creaked under me. I knocked on the door twice. Nothing. Silence. I knew he heard me, but I wanted to give him a few minutes to think whether he wants to face me or not.

I was about to walk away when I heard the door unlock. Jonah opened the door, his hair was messy and his eyes were red and puffy. "Please tell me you weren't crying." Was the only thing that left my mouth.

Jonah walked back inside the room and I followed. "I was." He confessed. He sat on his bed and stared at the wall. "At first I cried over you, but then I remembered why I was here in the first place, and I began to cry over my dead parents."

His voice was cold, dull. He didn't seem like the normal Jonah at all. "I'm sorry," I began, but he cut me off. "It's fine. I don't know what I expected anyways. This is not a fucking movie, you're not going to just run to me and leave him behind. He's been your boyfriend for months, he's one of the most popular guys in school, he was your first kiss—hell, he was your first everything! Why would you leave the golden boy for me? I'm nothing but the orphan that your mom pitied."

My heart broke at his words. "Jonah, no, please don't say that." I kneeled down on the floor and grabbed his hands. "You have no idea how much you mean to me. In those past few weeks you've been there for me more than Corbyn ever has. I have feelings for you too."

Jonah caught my eyes. "Too?" He repeated. "Well, yeah—I like you both." Jonah immediately let go of my hands. "You can't like two people Zach!" He exclaimed. "It's how I feel! I can't control it."

"I don't even understand you!" Jonah got up and began to pace. "I have the best time with you. I always feel protected, but at the same time I feel like I'm with my best friend. We have the best conversations. You help me out with everything, Jonah. But I have history with Corbyn, I can't just give that up. Why can't I have you both?"

Jonah snapped his neck in my direction. "Are you asking me to be the other man in your relationship?" He asked angrily. "It's not like that—" I tried, but he only raised his voice, "What do you mean it's not like that? You're asking me to cheat!"

"Well, Jonah—" He held his hand up. I stopped. "You know what? When you choose which one you actually want, let me know." And just like that, he stormed out.

I'M JUST SAYING CHOOSE! So is you staying or coming, it shouldn't be a discussion—okay imma stop.


𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 ━ ZONAH AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now