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Going into it, I knew it was gonna be awkward, uncomfortable, but romantic. Everyone's first time is like that. It wasn't Jonah's first time having sex, but it was his first time with a boy. So with knowing that, I wasn't as nervous.

He kissed me gently, building the mood up. We slowly began to get rid of our clothes, article by article, until we had nothing on. I felt his hard-on against my leg. I was getting turned on by the second myself.

"Should we..." Jonah murmured between kisses, "get started?" I nodded at him shyly. Now that he finally had permission, he began to stroke me gently.

I shut my eyes and relaxed my tense muscles. I hummed in appreciation at the combination of his hand around me and his lips on my neck. Jonah was going sensually slow.

I arched my back off the bed to meet him in between. I made out with him for a few seconds, before I changed my position. I got in between his legs.

His eyes met mine as I lowered my head to his erection. Slowly, I wrapped my lips around him. I just wanted to tease him for a second. The precum was going to help me out later.

I hummed against him, sending the vibrations down his shaft. Jonah opened his mouth and shut his eyes. I continued to swirl my tongue for a few more minutes.

Finally, we switched spots again, leaving me under him. The way it always is. Jonah latched his lips on mine and kissed me passionately. His tongue joked around with mine.

"Are you ready?" He whispered, his voice low. "I—I just need a minute." I took a deep breath and laid my head back on the pillow. You're going to do fine Zach. You've always wanted this. You're finally going to be free from your parents' rules. Just break them already!

"Hey..." Jonah trailed kisses down my neck. "You're gonna be okay." He reassured, knowing very well that I was getting into my own head. "If you wanna stop anytime, we can."

I took a deep breath. "No," I shook my head. "We won't have to." I was sure. Jonah connected our lips. I kissed him with lust until it was finally time.

Jonah placed two of his fingers near my mouth. "Suck, baby boy." I almost moaned at his demanding tone. I let him insert his long fingers into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around them and bit down slightly.

Jonah took his fingers out and trailed them down my body. He circled my rim a few times. And when he finally slipped them in, he stopped my scream with a kiss.

The weird new feeling took over me. He fingered me for a few seconds until I got used to it. It wasn't as painful as I thought it'd be, but that was only the beginning.

His eyes met mine, and we locked gazes. Jonah kissed me softly and laced his fingers with mine. Slowly, he positioned himself and entered me.

I bit my lip hard, almost drawing blood. "Oh fuck fuck fuck!" I exclaimed. This is not what I expected. Jonah shut his eyes as he tried to push all the way in. I was obviously tight.

Eventually, I got used to his size. He then managed to start thrusting at a steady rate. My eyes rolled into the back of my head at how good he was. I can't believe I haven't broken the rules sooner.

"Oh Jonah!" I moaned as he hit the spot. Jonah grunted in return. He looked so sexy while he laid over me. His skin was starting to glisten from the heat, his hair now a cute mess, his lips swollen.

"So fucking good." Jonah moaned back. I was almost there. I didn't mention it though, because it was embarrassing how fast I'm going to finish.

Seconds later, I released. Jonah continued to thrust into me, awaiting his high. I screamed at how hard he was hitting it because I was so sensitive after just finishing.

"Zach!" And with a moan of my name, he came too. Jonah slowed down and eventually pulled out. We both were panting from the previous events. He placed a kiss on my mouth before he collapsed off me.

Once Jonah and I calmed down, he brought over chocolate strawberries and we ate them while naked in bed. "So be honest, how was it?" Jonah seemed nervous.

I blushed. "Really good. Like really fucking good." I confessed. Jonah chuckled. He reached over and wiped the chocolate at the corner of my mouth with his thumb.

Then, he ran his thumb down my chest, leaving the chocolate on my skin. I bit my lip as he leaned in and licked a wet slit over my chest, getting rid of the chocolate completely. "Well shit," I shivered at the feeling of his tongue. "Round two?"

You're welcome.


𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 ━ ZONAH AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now