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My parents thought that after Jonah was arrested, I'd come back home on my own. But man were they wrong. Yes, I was weak, traumatized, and tired. But I'm never going back.

In that moment, when they ripped the love of my life away from me I became emotionless. I don't know how long Jonah will be gone, but all I know now is that no one can protect me besides myself.

I went on that plane to Minnesota nonetheless. There was no point in waiting around for them to come and force me back home. I never belonged there anyways.

I was stone cold. Everything fell apart. Jonah was gone. He was in jail because of me. I took away his freedom.

I had no family, no love and barely any money to survive. What was the point anymore? If not for Jonah than for who would I live?

I ended up getting to his house. It was cold and dark without him. I walked up the stairs slowly and looked around until I found his room.

It still smelt like him. My legs went weak. I had to sit down on the floor. I put my head in my hands and sighed. And with that breath, came the tears. I broke down for the millionth time.

"I miss you Jonah." I whispered. I know that he couldn't hear me. But I had to let it out. "I wish you were here." I cried. "I just—I love you so much, more than anything."

After a while, I stood up. I walked out into his balcony for some air. The sky was dark, the night was cold. I looked down. It was a long way down. I took in a deep breath.

To jump or not to jump?

This book is messing up my emotions.


𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 ━ ZONAH AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now