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As soon as I opened my eyes, I instantly knew something wasn't right. My nose was stuffy, and my head hurt a little. As soon as I sat up in bed, I began to cough, and a sneeze followed in closely.

"I think I'm sick." I mumbled, my voice hoarse and deeper than usual. Jonah glanced at me from his bed. "Well that's what happens when you go around kissing people." I gasped. "Are you saying I got it from you?"

Jonah rolled his eyes and scoffed. "They're not my germs, probably belong to that boyfriend of yours." He replied sassily. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "I've been making out with Corbyn for months and I've never gotten sick."

Jonah ignored my comment, and continued to scroll through his phone. He's been doing that a lot lately. Ever since that weird makeout session we shared a few days ago, things have been uncomfortable between us. We've gained this new awkward relationship in which we constantly shade each other.

"Mom!" I groaned. Seconds later, she walked through the door. "Yes Zachary? Why aren't you up yet? You're going to be late for school." I coughed. "I'm sick, can I stay home today?"

She checked her watch. "Fine, you can. But I can't take care of you, I need to head to work." I nodded sadly. "It's okay, I'll take care of him." Jonah budded in. I glanced at him, catching the evil smirk he was giving me.

"Sondes good then, see you later honey." And just like that, she was gone. I squinted my eyes at Jonah as he continued to smirk. I feel like he's going to torture me instead of take care of me.

"So darling, what would you like for breakfast?" He batted his eyelashes at me innocently. "Can you stop mocking me. I know you're only doing this to pull another one of your moves."

Jonah stood up and came over to me, still the same sickening smile on his face. "Now why would you say that baby?" He pouted. I gave him a weird look as he felt my forehead. "Oh wow, you're burning up. You should eat so you can take some medicine."

I eyed him closely as he ran his fingers through my hair, now kneeling by my bed. "I really don't understand you sometimes." I murmured. He could be so sweet one moment, and the next, he's this stuck up edgy and rude guy.

"You're sick, and I'm going to take care of you. No bullshit today. All you have is me, so be nice. After all, I don't see your blonde bitch here to care for you." His speech was nice enough, so I let the insulting name he called Corbyn slide.

"Ok then," I nodded. "I want waffles with Nutella on top and some strawberries." Jonah raised his eyebrows at me. "Are you sure you have the flu and you're not pregnant?" I shook my head with a giggle. "Please just satisfy my cravings."

And so he went downstairs, about fifteen minutes later, he came back up with a tray. "Alright princess, here's your breakfast." I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't call me that." I argued. "You're acting like one, it's only fitting if I do."

I ignored the rest of his comments as I dug in. It wasn't anything special, but it did taste good. "Thanks for breakfast." I gave him a small smile as I melted back into my bed. "No problem, now time for your pill."

He handed me some Advil and I swallowed it quickly, downing it with some water. My phone suddenly went off. I excitedly picked it up once I read the name on the screen.

Corbyn: babe why aren't you at school?

Me: I'm sick :(

Corbyn: awh hope you feel better soon

Me: can you come over after school to see me?

Corbyn: no, sorry

Corbyn: I have a soccer game tomorrow can't get sick

Me: oh

I dropped my phone and my face fell into a frown. "What's wrong?" Jonah asked immediately. "Nothing," I lied. "I'm gonna take a nap now." I slowly buried myself deeper in the covers.

"What did Corbyn do this time?" Jonah rolled his eyes with a sigh. "How do you know it was him?" I mumbled softly as Jonah took a seat at the edge of my bed. "Because you have that look in your eyes. The same sad look you had the other day when he didn't want you to-you know."

I sighed. It's weird how he's already got me so figured out. "I asked him to come over and he said no." And I didn't know why, but I always find myself spilling all my emotions out to him.

"Why?" Jonah asked softly as he ran his hand over my shoulder soothingly. "Because he has a soccer game tomorrow and he doesn't want to get sick." I was ashamed to even say those words out loud. I sounded so pathetic.

"I apologize in advance for saying this Zach, and I know you're going to get mad at me but... what kind of fucking boyfriend is that? You're laying here sick and all he cares about is some stupid soccer game that he can't miss? I don't know why you don't see it. He's not good enough for you. He never treats you right. I don't know why you're still with him. If you're afraid that no one else will love you if you let him go, then I'm going to be the one who tells you that, that is not true. You are amazing, and if I were lucky enough to be Corbyn and have you, I wouldn't treat you like he is right now."

I was speechless.

"J-Jonah? Can we just cuddle? I'm cold." He released a deep breath, as a sad look took over his face. He wanted me to say something, I know he did. But what could I say?

I can't just leave Corbyn because of one random make out session. Who knows if Jonah even really feels anything towards me. Maybe he's just trying to be nice because I'm sick.

I felt my eyes go droopy as Jonah smoothly slipped under my covers. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest.

We've already done so many things that were worse than this. Cuddling can not be considered as cheating at this point. And after how Corbyn just made me feel, I deserve to hurt him a little.

I took in Jonah's scent and nuzzled my face into his neck. "Thank you." I whispered sleepily. I didn't even know if I was thanking him for the few nice words or taking care of me. All he did in reply was place a soft kisss on my forehead.

Kim wanted me to update this book too, so you're all welcome. Btw the Jorbyn book is out. And there's this weird glitch on my wattpad where I can't view my own books as a reader so I can't reply to comments, sorry guys.


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