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"I have a half day at school today." I murmured, my voice uneasy. Jonah hummed against my neck. "Mhmm oh yeah?" My eyes rolled back into my head as he found my sweet spot.

"Yeah—yeah and I think you should..." I trailed off and moaned. "You should leave work early and meet me back here." Jonah finally pulled away, allowing me to breathe.

We really shouldn't be doing this at 7:15 in the morning, with everyone in the house. "What would we do?" Jonah smirked as he ran his hand up my shirt.

"Well we're gonna have the whole house to ourselves," I smirked back at him and pecked his lips. "So why don't you let your imagination run wild?" Jonah let out a small laugh in amusement.

"Sounds good. I'll see you back here at one?" I nodded. I kissed him one more time before I smoothly slipped out of his grasp and went to get ready for school.

Jonah and I were still in the honey moon phase of the relationship. It's only been a few weeks— filled with secret make out sessions. I go to school, and all I wanna do is go back home and be with him. He tells me it's the same for him at work—apparently it's hard to pour coffee while Zach Herron is on your mind.

The classes went by fast. I paid no attention what so ever, all I did was think about Jonah. Oh the things we can do if we're home alone. I was eager to spend my time with him.

We weren't like normal couples. I can't go out on dates with him or kiss him in public, so the secret kisses here and there were all we had. Other couples get excited when they move in together, I get excited when I sneak into his bed every night. It was pathetic, but I'm happy with what I have.

As soon as the bell went, I pushed through the people and ran home. I was so excited to see him even though we've only been apart for a few hours. I had that giddy feeling you get in the pit of your stomach at the beginning of a relationship, and I loved it.

"Jonah? I'm home!" I called out. "Up here!" He called back. I quickly trailed his voice to our bedroom. He had just came out of the shower. I bit my lip at sight of him half naked. That was a good sight to be blessed by every day.

I gave him a hug and kissed him. "So what should we do?" I asked excitedly as I followed him to his bed. Jonah laid down and groaned out in pain. "I don't know. I'm so exhausted."

I pouted at the sight of him. Jonah has only been working for two weeks, and it has already tired him out. He's been complaining about muscle pain and soreness.

"Is your back feeling any better?" I asked. "No. I thought by taking a warm shower it'll get better, but it didn't help at all." He shut his eyes. "Maybe I can give you a massage. Would that help?"

Jonah opened his eyes and gave me a questioning look. "Are you sure that's how you wanna spend our time alone?" I shrugged. "As long as I'm with you, I'm happy." I stood up. "And my mom just bought all these cool oils, so why not?"

After Jonah gave me an approving nod, I ran to my mom's bathroom and stole her oils. I came back to Jonah and I's bedroom and set up a little station.

I straddled Jonah's backside and began applying the oil. I ran my fingers up his back muscles, loosening the tension. "Oh fuck, how are you so good at this?" I giggled as Jonah groaned.

The sounds of pleasure escalated. And then, I realized I had messed up. Why the fuck would you offer him a massage while knowing it would turn you on Zach?

I cleared my throat out of embarrassment as I began to feel my hard on forming. I don't know if Jonah has noticed yet, he was still moaning out his pain—but one way or another, he was going to start feeling me pressed up against his ass.

"Uh—how about you turn now so I can do your legs?" Jonah agreed and turned around for me. Now I can save myself, he can't feel anything and he has his eyes closed.

I sat in between his legs and massaged his calves. I slowly worked my way up until I reached his thighs. Teasingly, I went past the hem of the towel.

Jonah bit his lip at the new location of my hands. I slid my hand back down to his knees, then back up. I didn't realize how far I was going until I touched his tip.

Jonah immediately opened his eyes. "I—I'm sorry, my hand slipped." I recovered quickly. Jonah smirked at me and propped him self up on his elbows. "Well next time, can you let it slip a little higher?"

I gulped once I noticed the lust behind his eyes. I don't know how I get myself involved in dumb shit all the time, but yet again here we are. "Ok—okay, if that's what you want."

Jonah watched in amusement as I shivered while my hands travelled back up. He knew I was dreading touching him. He knows how insecure I am because of Corbyn.

"Oh for God's sake Zachary, just yank that towel off me!" Jonah exclaimed after I had been going painfully slow. I didn't have time to think. My reflex immediately pulled the towel off, allowing his erection to spring free.

I tried to control myself, but I couldn't help my eyes from widening because I was seeing naked for the first time. And once again, I couldn't help myself from comparing him to Corbyn. I faintly heard the dirty side buried deep inside me thank me for the upgrade.

"Come closer, I won't bite." Jonah said seductively. "Unless you want me to." He gave me one of his signature smiles. In a heartbeat I forgot all my parents' rules. For once, I felt free.

Jonah attached his lips to mine. I kissed him back passionately. I felt my throbbing erection ache for his touch, so instead, I touched his—maybe I'll get lucky and get something in return.

Jonah was surprised at the touch, and he made it known by quietly humming against my lips. I pulled away briefly. "Is this okay?" My voice came out as a faint whisper. "It's more than okay." He reassured.

I didn't know if Jonah could hear my heart beating, but that was definitely the only sound ringing in my ears. It was thumping out of my chest.

I wrapped my hand around him fully and ran it up and down. Jonah let out a small moan into our kiss. "You're good at that too, huh?" I let out a deep breath of relaxation. I was doing it right.

And it was as if he could read my thoughts. "Hey, look at me." Jonah turned my face towards his with his fingers. "You're with me now. Focus on us, and only us. Nothing else matters."

I nodded slowly as I reconnected our lips. I shut Jonah right up by biting his lip and slipping my tongue in to play with his. I picked up my pace and made him a moaning mess under me, which left me to win our little tongue battle.

Jonah finally fell back onto his pillow, pulling me with him. I continued to pump him as I travelled down his neck. "Fuck, Zach...." Jonah grunted.

I thrusted my hand faster a few more times until he came all over me. We were both such a mess at this point, but I didn't care. I felt so accomplished for having Jonah, a twenty year old man, moaning my name.

"That was great." Jonah panted as he kissed me. "Now," he rolled us over, leaving him on top. "Your turn." He smirked. "Did you like what I did last time?" He asked. "Oh yes." I moaned at the thought of it.

It's 1 am and I have school tomorrow. You're welcome.


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