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"Smile, Zachary!" I groaned. "Mom! I'm gonna be late." I whined. "Just one more picture! You're gonna cherish these in the future." I sighed as she snapped the last picture.

I had to wear a suit to sell off the lie well. I felt bad for lying, but there was no other way. I just wanted to spend time with my boyfriend. And I guess that was too much to ask for. It just has to be this way.

"You need me to drive you?" I shook my head no. "No, I'm gonna walk to Daniel's house and then he's driving me." I had it all thought out. "Okay then. And remember, no sex, no drugs, no alcohol and curfew is midnight."

I nodded quickly, gave her a hug, and escaped. Midnight. I shook my head with amusement. I felt like Cinderella. Jonah and I only had four hours until everything changed back to reality.

He told my parents that they had a shipment coming so he has to stay late and unload. He left for his "shift" an hour ago. Now all I needed to do was get on the subway and meet him at the hotel.

The hotel was all the way in the middle of town, about thirty minutes away. I sat in the subway alone like an idiot. I was the only 16 year old boy wearing a tux, and people were staring.

Jonah had already given me the card to open the door, so when I got there, I went straight to the 24th floor. By combining the money that he had saved up and the money my mother gave me for "prom", we somehow managed to afford it.

I arrived at the door. I took a deep, anxious breath. This was it. This is where I was going to finally break free from the rules. This is where I'm going to have Jonah make love to me.

I unlocked the door with the card. I took slow steps inside, until everything cane into view. I gasped. The lights were dim, there were candles everywhere, and there he was, wearing a suit.

"You couldn't go to prom, so I brought prom to you." Jonah smiled sweetly. My heart was thumping out of my chest. "I love it so much, thank you." I barely croaked out.

Jonah came over to me and engulfed me in a warm hug. "All I want is to see you happy." I was about to cry. He pulled away from the hug and connected our lips in a blissful, sweet kiss.

"First, we're gonna dance." He pulled out his phone. "I picked a song just for you." I couldn't erase the smile off my face the whole time. Then, the music began to play.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his on my waist. We swayed back and forth. And at that moment, I've never felt more in love.

I know this sounds crazy
But this could be fate

"Thank you, Jonah. Thank you for all of this." I whispered into his chest. "I've never felt so loved and cared for." Jonah let out a deep, nervous breath. "I'm so glad you like it."

For you, I would travel to outer space
Take a bullet to the heart just to keep you safe

"You know... for the longest time, I was so devastated over my parents. But I'm so grateful that out of all that, I got you. Zach, you're the only thing I have left."

For you, anything for you
With you, all the years just fade away

I looked up at him. I got lost in his eyes for a moment. And then just like that, my lips were on his. He slowly pushed me backwards until I landed on the bed.

Like a dream in my arms, but I'm wide awake
With you, whenever I'm with you

With you, Tyler Shaw.

Don't attack me, you WILL get your smut in the next chapter. Three updates in 2 days? Who even am I?


𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 ━ ZONAH AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now