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"Happy birthday baby boy." Jonah appeared in front of me as soon as I exited the washroom. "Thanks babe." I smiled at him. Jonah pulled me to him by my bare waist and landed his lips on mine.

I hummed into the blissful kiss. I reached for my towel and undid it, letting the wet towel drop on to the ground. Jonah pulled away with a smirk and looked down at my now fully naked body. "How about some birthday sex?"

Jonah chuckled as he leaned down and picked up the towel. "I wish babe. But your parents are still here." He wrapped the towel around me once again. I pouted. "But I promise, tonight."

Jonah took my hand and lead me to my bed. I sat down. "I have something for you." He told me. I watched him as he went into our closet then came back out with a little silver box with a tiny bow on it.

He sat next to me and handed me the small box. "You didn't have to." I shook my head at him. "It's nothing. I just thought it'd have some sentimental value to you."

I opened the box. It was a small red car toy. "I gave Jonah a confused look. "I love it, but I don't understand." I giggled at him. "It comes with a story." He clarified. "Tell me it then."

"One summer, years ago, my family came out here to visit yours. As you know, our mothers are—were best friends. You probably don't remember any of this because you were only four, but I was eight. You were a shy kid when we first met. You mostly hid behind your mom's legs and avoided me. The most I got out of you was a small wave when your mother told you to say hello. The next day, our mothers took us to the park. You were very independent and played on your own. I knew no one in the town so I did the same. It really bothered me that you didn't notice me because I wanted us to be friends, but whatever I did, you ignored it. That was until I pulled out this little red car. I sat on the grass and pushed the car back and forth on the bike trail out of boredom when you finally noticed me. You asked me if you could play with the car. And so I let you. I didn't understand why that car brought you so much joy. You played with it for hours. And when it was time to go home, I told you that you could have it. But your mother had raised you with manners so you politely declined even though I could seen in your eyes how much you wanted it. After that, every time I pulled out that car you would magically come to me and start playing with me. I didn't take it personally, that you only wanted me for my toys. Instead, I believed that the car had magical powers that attracted you to me. But soon, we had to leave and I never saw you after that. That is, until I moved in. One day, while I was sorting through my things, I found it. Just for the fun of it, I placed it in my pocket and thought to ask you if you remember it. But before I got the chance to, I found myself kissing you. I thought I was going crazy at first. So I conducted an experiment, I didn't carry the car with me for a day. And that was the day when you decided to get back with Corbyn. Then, when I put it back in my pocket, you chose me. I know it sounds stupid, but after the crazy times we've been through, this is the only story that makes sense. At least in the future when people ask us how we fell in love, we wouldn't have to mention all the cheating and sneaking around, we could just say this cute story. And now, after all these years, I want you to have it once and for all. I don't need it anymore, Zach. I have you, and I don't need a car to attract you to me anymore. I know you'd never leave."

I didn't exactly know what to say. Turns out I was living this forbidden love story all along. Ever since I was four apparently. And so I gathered the only three words that made sense in this situation, at this time. "I love you."
Jonah's face was immediately overtaken by a smile. "I love you too."

8 chapters left?


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