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"Oh thank god you're back!" Jonah let out a deep breath. "Your parents are almost home, I thought I would have to lie to them." I flopped onto my bed, face first as he went on.

"Zach? You okay?" I groaned in annoyance. "Yeah, I'm fine." My voice come out muffled since my face was glued against my comforter. "You don't seem fine. Did Corbyn do something? Was it good?"

I finally lifted my head up to face him. I stared at him for a few seconds. And for some reason, I felt the urge to lie. Maybe I wanted to impress him, or maybe I was hoping I would get a reaction out of Jonah.

"It was great. I'm just tired, it was that good." I lied smoothly as I kicked my shoes off and crawled under the covers. "Oh." Jonah just nodded. "Dinner is almost ready, you shouldn't sleep."

I yawned and nuzzled into my blanket further. "Not hungry." I mumbled sleepily. Jonah allowed me to sleep, believing my lie. But really, I just wanted to sleep because I was too sad to put on a fake smile and pretend I'm okay.

I was deep in my sleep once I heard Jonah's soft voice. I was a light sleeper, so he woke me up with ease. "Zach," he shook my shoulder once again. I had trouble opening my eyes, but once I did, I looked up at him, half awake.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. I shook my head at him. "You sure? It's midnight and you haven't eaten for hours." I saw the concern in his eyes.

I looked around me only to see that the lights were off, and it was dark outside. The house was also quiet which meant that everyone was asleep. "I'm okay."

"I don't believe you," He shook his head at me. "Ever since you came back from Corbyn's you've been sad. What did he do?" I sighed, my eyes fully alert now.

"Honestly Jonah, why do you even care?" He seemed a little hurt by my words. "You've opened your house for me, Zach. You literally gave up your privacy just so I would have a family once again. Of course I care. You're like my little brother." For some reason it hurt. I just got brother-zoned.

Jonah then leaned up against my headboard with me, draped his arm over my shoulder casually and covered himself with my comforter as well. "Now come on, tell me what's wrong."

I had no other choice at that point. Plus I needed to vent out a little and maybe get some advice. After all, he was twenty I'm sure he's experienced.

"So I went over to Corbyn's and no one was home..." he nodded for me to go on, with a reassuring look on his face that made me comfortable to tell him my lame story.

"We sort of just made out and uh-you know things escalated. And I felt like I was ready and decided to like... try out the foreplay you suggested."

Unconsciously, Jonah began to run his big hand up and down my upper arm. It surely made me feel better, but at the same time it felt weird to have someone other than Corbyn be so close to me.

"I-I tried to give him a... a-" I choked up and couldn't continue. "Hey, it's okay." He nodded. "I know what you mean, what happened after?" He allowed me to go on.

"I guess I did it wrong... he said my teeth got in the way?" I felt myself blush out of embarrassment. Good thing it was dark and he couldn't see. "Did he help you out? Teach you how it's done?"

I looked down sadly and shook my head. I felt as if I was about to cry at the memory. "He-he was like... wanna cuddle instead?" I mumbled, my voice small and insecure.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 ━ ZONAH AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now