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"Zach, wake up." I felt someone nudge me. I slowly opened my eyes, only to be engulfed by complete darkness. I rubbed my eyes until the figure standing over me came into clear view.

"Jonah? What's going on?" I mumbled sleepily. "Get up, we're going out." I was in utter confusion. "What time is it?" I asked. Jonah looked at the clock on the wall. "Almost 4 am."

"Are you crazy?" I finally said. "No, I just want to take you out on a proper date for once. And since we can't do it during the day, this is the only time we have."

The thought was sweet, but this was never going to end well. "Are you suggesting we sneak out? My parents will kill us!" I whisper-yelled. "Who said they'll ever find out?"

"How are we supposed to get anywhere anyways. We don't have a car, and we can't sneak into my parents' room and get their car keys." Jonah gave me a devilish grin. "Got a bike?"

Twenty minutes later, I was riding on Reese's pink bike down the street. I don't know how he convinced me. I don't know how I let him have Ryan's bike either— I got stuck with a small pink one.

"Where are we going?" I raised my voice as I struggled. My knees continued to hit the steering handles since my legs were too long. "The boardwalk." Jonah answered.

"You wanna stop by McDonald's?" Jonah asked. I don't know how he could be so relaxed during all of this. I was struggling with the bike and panicking that my parents will find out.

"Why?" I asked out of breath. "It's the only place opened right now. And I really want some hot cakes." I gave in. After all that paddling, a warm meal didn't sound too bad.

Jonah ordered our food to go. We eventually got to the boardwalk by 5 am. We found a cozy bench to sit on and began to eat. It was the weirdest thing that I've ever done at 5 am, but it was nice.

"The sun's gonna come up soon." I looked over at him. "You're such a softy, Jonah Marais." I shook my head at him with a smile. "Am not." He denied. "Oh come on, look at us. We're watching the sun rise over a lake, and it was all your idea."

I leaned in, "plus you got syrup on your cheek." Jonah chuckled at my comment. I reached over and used my thumb to wipe the syrup off him. "But in all seriousness, I'm glad you convinced me to do this." I licked the syrup off my finger.

Jonah cut a piece of his hot cakes and fed me it, "oh yeah, and why is that?" I chewed as I thought about his question. "Well, I feel like I'm only ever free when I'm with you."

Jonah began to smile at my words without even noticing it. "You make me feel so safe that I'm not afraid to break the rules. You make me forget about all the things that my parents forbade me from."

Jonah set the plates aside and moved closer to me. He laced my hands with his, and connected his eyes with mine. "I'm finally happy. So thank you for that." I smiled.

Jonah pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back softly, cherishing every second that passed by. "This has been the best first date anyone can ask for." I whispered against his lips.

I kissed him a few more times before the sun began to beam. We cuddled up on the bench and watched the sun rise over the water together. "It's so beautiful." I commented, mesmerized.

For hours after that, we just talked. He told me every single little detail about him. His hopes, his dreams, his stories; I knew it all. But every fantasy comes to an end, and ours did too. We had to go back home.

New Jorbyn book coming soon!


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