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The room was dead silent. The only sound ringing through my ears was my heartbeat. It was fast, timid, and strong. Jonah sat next to me on the couch as my parents stared into our souls. My siblings were locked in their rooms.

"How long has this been going on?" My mother asked, her face showing no source of emotion. "Months." I replied dryly. There was no point in denying anything now.

"Has he laid a finger on you?" My dad asked sternly. "Y—yes," I stuttered, "he's my boyfriend." My voice was weak. "No, he's fucking not! As long as you live under my roof, you are not allowed to date 20 year old men!"

My father's voice shook the whole house. "Have you had sex? And don't even try to deny it! Corbyn called and told us everything." He spat. The hatred inside of me grew.

"We have." I confessed. "Unbelievable!" My other shouted. "He's not a bad guy, okay? I love him! He gave me the affection that you never did!" I raised my voice next.

"The only thing he probably gave you was an STD!" My father shouted. Jonah didn't flinch. He just sat there with a straight face. "I love him!" I repeated again, my voice breaking.

The tears began to run down my face. And only then did Jonah's expression soften. "Stop making him cry." Jonah said coldly, his jaw clenched.

"You have no right to speak! You fucking rapist." My mother shouted. Jonah's face fell. "Everything we did was with his full consent—" but before he could finish, she interrupted. "Sleeping with a minor is considered statutory rape."

"I'm sick and tired of you!" I cried. "I hate you both! Why can't I just be with the person I love?!" My tears were a stream as they ran down my face.

"I don't want to hear it anymore!" My father shouted. "You are forbidden from ever seeing Jonah again!" His words pierced through my heart. "Pack your bags, by tomorrow morning I don't want you in this house anymore, you ungrateful bastard!"

And just like that, we were sent up the stairs. It was Jonah and I's final night. And after that, I'd have nothing left. No love, no happiness, no life.

I continued to cry as I helped Jonah pack his things. I didn't have the energy to speak. All I felt was weak, and worried. Where was he supposed to go? He had no one.

"This is all my fault." I sat on the floor of our closet. "Don't say that." Jonah sighed. "If I hadn't dated Corbyn, he wouldn't have done this." Jonah sat down next to me.

"If anything, it's my fault. I'm the one who fought with him." Jonah wrapped his arms around me. "No matter what, I'll always love you." He whispered. "I love you too."

"And I'm not letting you leave me. Not now, not ever." I shook my head. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. "Tonight, we run away."

Top 5  favourite wdw songs?
1. In Too Deep
2. 8 Letters
3. Talk
4. Free
5. Falling


𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 ━ ZONAH AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now