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I lay in my bed for hours that night trying to make my decision. I don't know why I was making it so hard for myself, I clearly knew who my heart wanted.

Why did I ever think that history is more important to me than happiness? Why was I blind for so long when he's been right there, falling asleep a few inches away from me every night.

I heard his soft breathing, he was at peace. He came in to sleep at around 11 pm. He didn't say a word to me, just gave me a heartbroken look. And I knew why. Because for a second, I made him feel like he wasn't enough. I told him that I wanted him and Corbyn at once.

I took a deep breath and picked up my phone. I had to do it now and quickly. I couldn't finalize my decision before I made sure Corbyn was out of the picture. I was tired of cheating. Zach Herron is not a cheater.

Me: I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore.

And just like that, I dropped my phone out my hand and got up. I locked the door before crawling into Jonah's bed. He seemed to be aware of a presence near him, since he shifted and allowed me space.

I sighed and nuzzled further into his neck. Jonah unconsciously wrapped his arms around me. I smiled to myself at the feeling of protection he brought me.

"I choose you." I whispered, even though I knew he couldn't hear. I said it for his heart to hear. And tomorrow, he'll know too.

I was awoken to the sound of Jonah's warm voice. "Zach? What are you doing?" He seemed confused. In his head, we were still in a fight. And I still hadn't made up my mind. But in my head, we're already dating and living our happily ever after.

"Good morning." I smiled. Jonah didn't return my smile. He was struggling to stand his grounds while I was practically throwing myself at him.

I pulled him by the hem of his shirt and connected our lips in a blissful kiss. Jonah didn't kiss me back for a second, but then he did.

I hummed against his lips at the feeling before pulling away. "Okay, I'll see you after school." I quickly jumped out of his bed. "But does that mean you chose—" I sprinted to the washroom, "can't talk, sorry." I needed to break up with Corbyn before saying anything to Jonah.

At school, I anticipated the moment Corbyn would walk up to me with fear. "Zach?" My heart dropped at his voice. I shut the door to my locker. "What do you mean you can't do this anymore?"

I grabbed his hand and took him outside, to the same bench that started everything. Now, it was going to mark the end too. "Listen Corbyn, I—I think we should break up."

Corbyn looked taken aback at my words. "What? Why? I apologized and you seemed fine—" I paused him. "Just hear me through, it goes deeper than that." Corbyn crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine."

I took a deep breath and began. "I just don't think we're good together anymore. It's hard for me to do this, because you and I have a lot of history that I won't be able to forget over night. But I think it's best for me. Corbyn, you treat me well, but I don't think I've ever been truly happy with you. You always make me feel like I depend on you, and that hurts. I feel like I can't do anything by myself, I always need you there and that's not healthy for me. I don't need your protection to be okay, I don't need your validation to feel like I'm good enough and I—I don't need your love to know that I'm capable of being loved. I can do all those things on my own, but you make me feel like I can't. I don't blame us falling apart on you because I've had my fair share of tearing down this relationship too. Corbyn, I—I cheated."

At this point, the hurt and anger behind Corbyn's eyes was unbearable. My voice broke with each word. "I cheated on you with—" before I finish, he did. "Jonah." He said coldly.

I looked down. I've never felt so guilty in my life. "How many time has he laid his fingers on you? How many times have I kissed your lips right after they were lingering on his?!" Corbyn broke down.

My tears began to stream as well. "It didn't happen often, I swear to you. But he—we kissed a few times, and he's touched me once." I admitted.

"How could you?" Corbyn looked me straight in the eyes. "I'm sorry, but I've fallen for him and I," I shook my head. "I can't help it."

Corbyn shook his head and stood up. "I just—" he let out a deep breath. "I wish you well Zach. And I'll always cherish our time together." Those words pierced straight through my heart. Only then did I realize how much I hurt him.

I left school early, not bothering to even ask my mother for permission. I ran all the way home with my heart thumping out of my chest. I was still aching for Corbyn, but I knew Jonah was aching for me. I had to finally relieve him.

I unlocked the door and barged in. "Jonah!" I yelled throughout the house after closing the door. "Zach?" He called back confused and came halfway down the stairs. There, he stood and stared at me.

"I choose you." I confessed. "I just broke up with Corbyn. If I really loved Corbyn, I wouldn't have fallen for you. I want you and this forbidden love. And I'm willing to do anything to be with you."

Jonah took another second to register before he ran down the stairs. He swooped me up in his arms and smashed his lips against mine. And in that moment, I wondered how something so wrong can feel so good; even though Corbyn's out of the way now, we still have my parents to worry about.

No more Zorbyn :(


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