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When Jonah walked in through the front door, my heart dropped. "Baby, are you okay? What happened?" I panicked immediately. He was limping and his cheekbone seemed bruised.

"It's nothing," Jonah shook his head. I grabbed him by the waist and helped him to the couch. "I just got into a fight with Corbyn." My blood boiled. "What does that bastard want now?!"

Jonah relaxed back into the couch and shut his eyes. "He's just jealous." I sighed. "How hurt are you?" I pouted. "He kicked me in the balls, and that's pretty much all that hurts."

I quickly got up and grabbed some ice. I helped Jonah get out of his pants. "You're gonna be okay." I assured as I placed the ice pack over his manhood. Jonah winced at the coldness.

I ran my fingers across his cheekbone, examining it. "Fucking asshole." I murmured underneath my breath. "Hey, it's okay. I'm fine." Jonah reassured me with a soft kiss.

It slightly made me feel better, but I was still mad. Corbyn ruins everything. How dare he lay a finger on the one person that I truly love?

"Now come on, play the movie." I sighed before I grabbed the remote. I started to play How the Grinch Stole Christmas even though it was June.

Jonah laid back onto the couch and took me with him. I placed my head on his chest. His scent overtook all my senses, making me feel safe and sound. And slowly, I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I was awakened by the smell of bacon. I was confused as I looked around me. I was somehow laying in Jonah's bed even though I fell asleep on the couch. He must've carried me up.

I left the warmth of the bed and entered the washroom. After finished up my business, I walked the down the stairs. I stopped at the entrance of the kitchen, admiring Jonah cooking while shirtless, from behind.

My heart melted into my chest. It almost felt like we were married. No one else in the house, except for him and I. He was making breakfast and waiting for me to wake up.

I quietly creeped up behind him and wrapped my arms around his fit torso. "Good morning sexy." I whispered. Jonah turned around with a smile and took my lips into a kiss. "Hello beautiful."

"Smells delicious." I complimented as Jonah turned his attention back onto the bacon in the pan. "So how are your balls feeling now?" I asked. Jonah chuckled. "They're great. Let's just hope that the little guys swimming in there are doing fine so we can still have babies."

My heart fluttered. "Wait—really?" I blurted out. "You want to have babies with me?" Jonah's eyes met mine. "Of course." He nodded. "I love you." I closed the gap between us. "Love you."

Jonah and I decided to have our breakfast in the backyard today. We sat on the table and enjoyed the beautiful weather together. It was as if we were on vacation.

"We should go swimming." Jonah suggested as he looked at the pool. "Actually, I have a better idea..." I smirked. "What?" Jonah seemed intrigued. "Skinny dipping." I winked.

After that, we went back inside and did the dishes while the food had time to go down. My mother always told me that I shouldn't swim after eating.

I grabbed two towels for us and followed Jonah outside. It was now around noon, and the sun was burning up the whole backyard. "Here babe, I don't want you to get burnt." I applied some sunscreen onto Jonah, and he did the same to me.

Then, we began to strip. The articles of clothing were spread across the ground in a matter of seconds. I looked Jonah up and down, and he mimicked my actions. I bit my lip. I could never get tired of seeing that.

"I'll race you!" I challenged before I broke off into a jog. Jonah followed closely behind before we both jumped into the pool. The cold water immediately engulfed my naked body.

Jonah and I giggled at each other as we swam around. I was in the middle of splashing around when I felt his hands on my ass. "Jonah!" I yelped. He burst out into laughter.

"You pervert!" I pushed him away. "Hey, it was your idea to go skinny dipping." He remarked. We both broke off into a fit of giggled once again. I swam closer to him and eliminated the space between us.

Jonah placed his hand under my chin and kissed me softly. I deepened our kiss and relaxed into his arms. And that moment right there, was the most perfect one. That's all I've ever wanted in life.

"Zachary! Jonah! Get out right now!" My heart stopped.

I've gotten so attached to this book. But sadly, it's almost over.


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