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That night, we left. We got on the subway and reached the end of town. We eventually reached a hotel about an hour away from my house.

"It's only a matter of time before they find us. We need a plan." I sat on the bed with Jonah, both of us staring at the wall blankly. "We have to leave the city all together."

I nodded along to what he said. "But where would we even go? I have my passport, but barely enough money." I sighed. "The lawyer is still working on my parents' will, but hopefully soon I'll get the money they left me."

Jonah's face then lit up. "But the house in Minnesota I have access to. We can go there." He said. "But my mother knows where that is." I added. "It's okay, that can be just our starting point. We can figure things out from there."

Jonah then went online and bought us two tickets to Minnesota. Tomorrow night, we're out of here. I can finally forget everything and start fresh with Jonah.

"We're gonna be okay." Jonah managed to smile at me. "I'll protect you no matter what." I sighed and crawled closer to him. Jonah wrapped his arms around me and we fell back onto the bed.

"Get some rest baby." Jonah kissed my forehead. I nodded at him before I shut my eyes. I prayed so hard that night. I just wanted us to be safe for another few hours until the storm passes.

I woke up a few times during the night from having nightmares. I tossed and turned non stop. And every time I woke up, I made sure to check on Jonah. I just needed to know that he was still next to me.

The morning rolled upon us eventually. We spent it in silence. I packed up the last few things of ours. In no time, we would be off. I can finally have my happily ever after with him.

I was in the middle of zipping up my bag when a loud knock on the door made me jolt. My eyes widened as I looked over at Jonah. He froze. And in that moment, I know both of us were anticipating the worst.

"Open the door, police!" The sentence replayed over and over in my head until the door was kicked in. In a matter of seconds, the cops surrounded Jonah.

My heart dropped, but I was too shaken up to react. They pushed him onto the ground and handcuffed him. "Jonah Frantzich, you're under arrest for the kidnap and statutory rape of Zach Herron. And assault of Corbyn Besson."

You guys wanted a happy ending? I think tf not :)


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