The Beginning

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You and Jungkook have been close friends ever since childhood. When Jungkook moved away to pursue his dream in becoming a singer, you two managed to stay in contact. Whenever he return home to Busan, you two will catch up and it's almost like nothing's changed. Throughout the years of training, you saw how hard he worked and how much he had suffered to get to where he is today. You couldn't be prouder.

While spending time with Jungkook, you got to know Jimin who also lived in Busan too. You were also close with the rest of the members who practically raised Jungkook. You knew how important each and every one of the members was to Jungkook because they played an important role in his life.

As you got older and decided that you wanted to become a fashion designer, Jungkook suggested coming to live in Seoul, since there are better opportunities there. Your mother wasn't sure about having her only daughter move so far but agreed when you mentioned that you'll work hard and that Jungkook will be there. She like him since she knows how close you two are and like him even more when she saw that fame never changed him. He still has this innocent aura around him when he smiles and laughs.

However, there was only one problem ever since the very beginning. You were in love with Jungkook. 

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