He didn't know

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The members went quiet when Jungkook walked into the room. He staggered towards the chair and collapsed down, trying to process what had happened.

They had been there when you were yelling for Jungkook to leave. They didn't hear the conversation, but only the last part. Jungkook didn't say anything until they reached the dorms. He was extremely exhausted from the performances tonight and from what you had said too. He didn't know what to do or what to say.

At first the members weren't sure whether Jungkook had known about your feelings all along or not. It was obvious to them but judging by the look on Jungkook's face... they got their answer.

Hoseok's eyes didn't leave him. He then asked the question that's been weighing on their minds. "Did you really not know about Y/N's feelings?"

His silence was enough for them. It confirmed everything.

They knew from his silence. He didn't know.

When Jungkook went to bed that night, the members were discussing what had happened. They were confused about the whole thing too.

"Ah, Jungkook is always asking Y/N for advice with that other girl," Jimin said slowly.

"That's probably why then," Yoongi said. "Y/N's been in love with Jungkook. Who knows when."

"It probably hurt her," Namjoon sighed. "So what now?"

"I'll keep an eye on him," Taehyung said. "You guys go see Y/N."

"Now?" Yoongi's eyes widened.

"You can stay if you want," Hoseok said, getting up.

"I can't sleep anyways," Yoongi mumbled.

"I'll stay with Tae," Namjoon said. "You guys let me her know that I'm worried about her."

"We will," Jimin grabbed his phone. "Hyung, you drive."

Seokjin looked towards where Jungkook's room is and then turned back to Jimin, nodding. "Let's go." 

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