Jungkook in Busan

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You have finished unpacking and cleaning the house a few days ago. Although you get emotional now and then, you were happy to be back here. It made you realise that maybe you shouldn't avoid coming back to your hometown because of your mother's passing. It still hurts since you had no relatives and family but you realised that you shouldn't ignore the past anymore.

As you were washing the dishes, you heard a loud knock on the door. You froze, wondering who would visit. Could it be that Jungkook had his parents check up on you? No... he wouldn't know you're here, right?

"He probably thinks I'm just avoiding him, that I'm still in Seoul," you told yourself as you ignored the knocking.

After the person wouldn't stop knocking, you sighed and dried your hands before walking towards the window. You peeked through the curtains and was shocked at what you saw.

"Jungkook?" you said, shocked and a little too loud. You immediately covered your mouth, silently cursing yourself.

"I know you're in there!" he said loudly.

You stayed quiet.

Jungkook started knocking the door loudly. "Y/N!"

You dropped your hand and glared at him through the window, "What are you doing here?"

"Open up, it's time I explain myself."

You continue to glare but said nothing. You didn't want him to explain anything—

"Do you want to be left in the dark again?"

You stopped glaring. "What do you mean?"

Jungkook sighed. "Open up, Y/N."

You hesitated. You wanted to ignore him and just continue with what you had planned, after all Jungkook really knows how curious you can be. He could be using that as an excuse to come inside your house.

As you stared at Jungkook's brown eyes, you saw that he wouldn't lie to you. Jungkook is mysterious, cheeky and sly, but he will never lie to you. You didn't want him near you but you know Jungkook wouldn't lie like this. As your eyes stayed trained on him, you knew there was something he needed to get off his chest. 

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