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"Have anyone heard anything from Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, despite telling everyone that he doesn't care.

The members looked at one another and when no one said anything, Hoseok replied with a laugh, "Guess that means no."

"Really?" Namjoon looked around.

Seokjin shook his head. "I haven't."

"I messaged him but he hasn't replied," Jimin said and then paused. "that was three days ago."

"That means he's ignoring you," Taehyung answered helpfully.

"We should be worried," Yoongi said.

"Why? Things must be going well," Seokjin shrugged. "That's why he doesn't message us. Not that he does anyways, but still."

"Or," Jimin countered, "Y/N must have rejected him and sent him away."

"He's probably sulking back at his parents' place," Taehyung agreed.

Hoseok scowled, "Don't think so negatively you two!"

"They're probably right," Yoongi said, eyes wide as he turned to face Hoseok. "It does make sense, you know."

"Not you too, hyung," Namjoon narrowed his eyes. "Let's just wait for Jungkook's text."

"We'll probably be waiting for years," Seokjin said as he got up from the chair and stretched. "Who wants to go to Busan?"

A slow smile curled Jimin's lips.

"Hey, you can't be serious," Yoongi said looking at the members when he saw how serious they looked. "We can't drop everything here and go!"

"Yes we can," Hoseok got up. "Great thinking, hyung. Let's pack."

"Are we actually doing this?" Taehyung said, confused.

"We should wait for Jungkook," Namjoon said.

"Why should we? We're worried," Seokjin retorted.

"We're waiting for Jungkook to tell us," Yoongi pointed at Namjoon and then said, "Namjoon is right. Besides, none of this is any of our business."

"Jungkook isn't a stranger," Hoseok said. "He's a younger brother to all of us." 

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