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You and Jungkook stood outside the dorm, staring at the door.

"Are the members here?" you asked.

"They should be," Jungkook replied before sliding you a look. "Unless they decided to really head to Busan."

"You did tell them we were coming back right?"

"Something like that."

Your eyes widened as you turned to look at Jungkook and punched his arm, making him laugh. "What's that supposed mean? What if they think we're actually still in Busan?" you scowled.

Jungkook pulled out his phone from his pocket, "They should have read what I sent in the group chat."

"You hardly ever reply to anything."

"True that," he said, proudly.

"That is not something to be proud of!"


The members said nothing but just stared at you and Jungkook the minute you two walked into the room.

"It's a good thing we didn't book a flight," Hoseok said to Yoongi.

He smirked. "I wouldn't have stopped you this time."

"Are you feeling okay?" Jimin asked, worriedly. "You left without a word to any of us."

You slowly let out a relief sigh and smiled. You thought they would be angry and annoyed that you had left without a word.

"I'm better."

"That look," Taehyung pointed at you and narrowed his eyes. "We weren't angry about your sudden disappearance."

You nervously touched your head. "Uh, that's good."

Taehyung dropped his hand. "We were hurt."


You looked around and saw that they were worried sick. You saw how much you meant to them at that moment too. Although your injuries were minor, that didn't matter to them.

With teary eyes, you said, "I love you guys so much." 

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