His eyes

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Your eyes didn't leave Jungkook as you watched him from close by. In order for the fans not to misunderstand things between the two of you, you stayed with the other staff. You could see Jungkook from here and once in a while, he'll look over at you, smiling apologetically. You don't blame him though. He's a celebrity after all. At times like this he wasn't Jungkook, your friend and someone you fell in love with. He was Jungkook, an idol loved by his fans and someone who lives to perform in front of thousands of people.

The loud cheering and applause brought your attention back to the performances on stage. You knew it was her turn to perform when you saw how happy Jungkook was. The minute she started singing, that's when everything hit you.

You noticed how different things are between you and Jungkook. Although you had known it all along, you couldn't help but wish that one day he'll look at you differently. You knew it was impossible... because you could see Jungkook with your very own eyes right now.

As she was performing on stage, you saw how bright Jungkook's eyes lit up at the sight of her. You couldn't help but wished he had looked at you like that too. At least... once. You knew Jungkook loves you and cares about you but as a friend only. You had convinced yourself that it was more than anyone can ask for... yet you couldn't help but want more with him. Was that wrong? Are you asking for too much?

You shook your head to clear it. No, you should be happy for him. Jungkook has done heaps of things for you and this? This should be easy right? You just have to try hard.

If she makes your eyes lit up like that, then I'll let you go, you thought to yourself. You were serious this time.

Looking at the stage, you smiled and bobbed your head and sang along. 

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