The night of the concert

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You distanced yourself from Jungkook again. This time you didn't completely ignore him and made sure that you message him and the other members whenever you can. There were times when Yoongi and Seokjin will message you to see how you're doing and you couldn't help but be touched by that. You knew they were like a family to you too.

When you came to Seoul after your mother passed away, Jungkook and the members were there to lend you a helping hand. Of course, you didn't take it but you know they've got your backs. You know how important Jungkook is to them and that they would want him to be happy no matter what. That's one of their top priorities: to be happy and to stay healthy.

You often envy Jungkook for that. He had a biological older brother, but not only that, the six members became older brothers to him too. You've seen the way they love and care for Jungkook. Either way you were happy that Jungkook was surrounded by love.

Time flew by so fast that the day of the concert was already here. Tonight was the second night of their concert. Jungkook had wanted you to go to all four days but you declined, saying that you could only be there for one night—that you had other things to do.

You got into the car and drove off. After a while you looked down at the ticket that Jungkook had bought for you and sighed out loud, before turning to look ahead, "I wonder how long I can go on until I can't anymore..."

Your phone vibrated with a text and you glanced sideways and saw that it was from Jungkook. You decided that he can wait until you get there.

However, you didn't expect your whole world to go black the minute you heard loud blaring. 

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