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"I feel bad for him," Namjoon sighed, pouring wine for all of them. They had gathered around the living room while Jungkook was off to bed. Again.

"I'm worried about Jungkook," Hoseok said.

"You don't say."

Hoseok chuckled. "I just didn't think Y/N will leave without a word," he paused. "to any of us."

"I can't believe she really left," Seokjin forced a smile. "It's surprising, really."

Yoongi leaned forward and eyed all of the members, "Let's all be honest and admit that Y/N leaving really hurt us too."

Everyone laughed but no one denied what he had said.

"We all knew about her feelings, except for him," Yoongi continued to say.

"That's true," Namjoon agreed.

Hoseok shrugged. "We can't do anything."

No, they can't.

Seokjin placed his glass down. "He's going to go after her though."

Yoongi agreed, "He's going to drop everything and go right after her."

They knew him all too well.

"He's going to miss her," Hoseok agreed, reaching for his glass of wine. "That's why he's going to go after Y/N."

Namjoon looked at them for a few seconds before announcing, "I still think he likes her though."

They all just stayed quiet. No one really knows. Jungkook is mysterious like he's been since day one. He keeps everything to himself. If he doesn't want to open up to anyone, then no one will know what's going on in his mind.

Yoongi clapped his hands together, getting everyone's attention, "Considering that Y/N left is because she probably doesn't want to see Jungkook."

"You're right," Namjoon nodded.

"I told her that we'll support her decision."

"Are you going to?" Jimin's eyes narrowed.

"We should be stopping him but let's send him to wherever Y/N is."

Everyone laughed.

"I like your thinking," Hoseok laughed. 

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