His thoughts

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Jungkook didn't want to be sad in front of the other members so he told them he was going to sleep. However, that was a lie and he think they know it too. He stepped out of his room and onto the balcony. You were on his mind as he tried to estimate the time when you have developed feelings for him. Not once had he thought that you'd have those feelings for him.

When he told the members about your confession, he saw that no one really looked surprise. It was just him. How did they notice it when he didn't? It's true that he has no experience, but not once did it cross his mind that you'd like him more than a friend.

Jungkook's eyes were trained on the night sky.

"There's only one place you'd go," he said out loud to no one. "We'll talk when I get there."

He closed his eyes, feeling completely drained, "Maybe then you'll understand why we can't be together." 

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