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It's been less than an hour after Jungkook left when you heard a knock.

Thinking it was Jungkook, you pushed your face into the pillow, trying to block out everything.

"Y/N?" It was Hoseok. "He left already. It's just me and the members."

You glanced up from your bed towards where the door was. You've unlocked it ages ago when you heard Jungkook leave.

Knowing why they're here, you sighed, "Come in."

You struggled to turn towards them and saw how exhausted they look from their concert. Being with them for years, you saw the worried look on their faces the minute they saw you lying in that hospital bed. You saw that everyone was there except for Taehyung and Namjoon who was probably with Jungkook.

They weren't goofing around like they used to. Hoseok wasn't loud and laughing with the others. None of them were.

To reassure them that you're okay, you forced a smile.


Jimin broke the silence. "You need to talk to him."

Seokjin's eyes locked with yours. "You know this isn't something we can help you with."

You knew that all too well.

Yoongi's eyes were on the ground. "We'll support your decision, yeah?"

That's the members who have come to be your friends. They were supportive and understanding. As much as they love Jungkook, they also love you too. They weren't here to defend Jungkook or scold you, they were here to reassure you that they understand what you're going through and why you acted like that.

"Thank you," you whispered. 

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