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Jungkook sat on the sofa, eyes on you. You stood far away from him the minute he stepped into the room. For a few minutes, you two just stared at one another without anyone saying anything. What was there to say?

"How are you?"

"I was good."

Jungkook shook his head. "Your injuries."

"I had no injuries," you crossed your arms. "But I'm breathing."

He let out a slow breath. "That's always a good thing."

You dropped your arms, knowing that your accident must have really hurt him. You knew it would. If it didn't then Jungkook wouldn't be your friend, right? Plus, he never even got to see you while you were in that hospital bed. The members did and they were paled and worried at your state. You knew that Jungkook was probably a bit worse than they were though.

Jungkook leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. His gaze was still on you and you saw something you've never seen in his brown eyes before. You saw fear.


"I never wanted to tell you this... but I have no choice since it's become this big."

"Tell me," you said quietly.

Jungkook's eyes went to the ground for a bit before he glanced at you. "Your mother asked me to not drag you into my idol life."

You felt lightheaded all of a sudden. You grabbed hold of the bench and stared, "What?"

"You were her only child," Jungkook explained. "She wanted you to live a normal life. You've got amazing grades and a great future to look forward to. She wanted you to be married off and live happily ever after. You were everything she had and she wanted the best for you."

You were trying to make sense of what Jungkook is telling you.

"Your mother is aware of the rumours about the members and me," he said quietly. "I think she knows how sensitive our fans can be too..." he trailed off for a bit and then sighed. "She didn't want to wake up to read articles about you or to hear others mock you. We know how cruel people are these days, yeah? Not only did she worry about articles, but death threats and all that crap. I understood her too. I don't think I can handle it if I was to see those things about you. Hell, even I hate seeing it written about the members."

"So what you mean is..."

In a soft voice, Jungkook's eyes shook with emotions as he said, "It was my promise to her." 

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